The Plasmodium parasite undergoes a complex lifecycle that involves biting mosquitoes (Anopheles) as well as humans.
The merozoites then infect red blood cells and develop into ring-form trophozoites, which multiply asexually into schizonts with development into more merozoites.
During feeding, the saliva of the mosquito enters the skin of the host, along with sporozoites from the gut of the mosquito.
Sporozoites are ingested by liver cells where they mature into schizonts.
species of plasmodium are: P. falciparum P. vivax P. malariaeP. ovaleP.knowlessi
P. Falciparum is found worldwide but most common in Africa, Asia, South America, and Oceania. It causes severedisease and can be fatal if not treated promptly.
P. Vivax is also found worldwide but mostly in tropical areas. It has a dormant stage called hypnozoites that can cause relapses months or years later.
P. Ovale is similar to P. vivax but causes fewer relapses.
P. Knowlesi is primarily transmitted through macaques but can infect humans as well. It is found in Southeast Asia.
The life cycle of Plasmodium involves two hosts - an insect vector (mosquito) and a vertebrate host (human).
Some parasite-infected RBCs differentiate into gametocytes, which are ingested by another mosquito during its next meal on a human.
complications of malaria ; 1. black water fever 2. cerebral malaria 3. algid malaria
complications of algid malaria are?
black water fever, cerebral malaria, algid fever
why is P. falciparum the most dangerous form of plasmodium?
1. causes obstruction of microcirculation 2.can invade all stages of rbcs
periodicity of P.vivax is
periodicity of P. ovale is
periodicity of P. malarie is
periodicity of P. falciparum is
Entameoba histolytica is a bacteria that causes amebic dysentery
Entamoeba histolytica is a protozoan parasite that causes liver abscess
mode of transmission of entameoba is
fecal oral route
morphological forms of entamoeba are
trophozoite form, cystic form
infected stage of entameoba is
quadrinucleated cystic form
label the diagram
A) trophozoite
B) ingested rbcs
C) nucleus
label the dia
A) trophozoite
B) cyst
C) chromatoidal body
D) nucleus
E) ingested rbcs
F) nucleus
observe the dia
A) life cycle of entamoeba
pathogenesis of entamoeba involve
flask shaped ulcers, liver abscess
pus that is found in liver abscess for entamoeba is called anchovy paste.
Giardia lamblia cause giardiasis disease
trophozoite of giardia is pear shaped and has 4pair flagella
each cyst of giardia gives rise to 2 trophozite
giardia causes malabsorption of proteins and fats
giardia causes waterydiarrhea and abdominalcramps(clinical findings)