Cards (41)

  • safeguarding children-
    adults without DBS are never to be left alone with children
    staff receive training in safeguarding procedures
    all staff have a duty to report concerns
    the designated child protection person must attend training and keep up to date with safeguarding requirements
    there must be a 'named person' on site at all times who is responsible for safeguarding
    staff must act on the information that a child tells them
    staff must keep written records of all injuries to children
  • Why have a DBS
    •  is a requirement of Ofsted 
    • To make sure they are suitable to work with children 
    • To make sure that children are safeguarded 
    • To protect children 
    • To keep children safe 
    • Because they work with children 
    • To check they don’t have a criminal record 
    • To comply with legislation 
    • To check if they have been barred from working with children 
    • To ensure they can be left alone with a child 
  • legislation- what needs to happen by law
    policies- how a specific setting is going to ensure that it happens
    procedures- ways it is to be put into action by staff, individuals and employers in the setting
    • Health and safety management systems
    • Developing and creating policies for the setting
    • Training of staff, e.g.  induction, health and safety training, fire safety training
    • Set up risk assessments
    • Provide maintenance, welfare facilities
    • Work with HSE  (reporting of serious injuries)
    • Keeping building safe
  • Workplace hazards and risk controls (Risk assessments)
    • Hazards need to be checked regularly
    • Trips, activities, outings in place
    • Reviews of risk assessments
  • Fire safety
    • Weekly fire alarm checks
    • Fire drill policy
    • Fire wardens appointed
    • Fire evacuation procedures known
    • Checks of fire equipment: fire blankets, fire extinguishers
    • No smoking inside any buildings
    • Check smoke alarms
    • Fire assembly points (also on display)
    1. Designated person for fire safety)
    2. Fire Risk Assessment (separate from general risk assessment)
    3. Fire Evacuation
  • Asbestos
    • Make sure people not exposed to asbestos
    • Avoid risk of inhalation of asbestos fibres
    • Work to remove asbestos must be carried out in accordance with best practice and following legislation
    • Annual inspection of encapsulated asbestos
  • Transport hazards
    • Seat belt wearing
    • Booster seats
    • First aid kits
    • High vis jackets
    • Check vehicles safe before use.
    • Sensible driving
    • Tests in place for staff driving minibuses
    • Storage available for equipment
    • Additional policy for individuals with disabilities
    • Assess, audit and review needs
    • Parking requirements – blue badges
  • Safeguarding
    • Look out for signs of abuse in vulnerable children/adults
    • Know how to report abuse
    • Know who the safeguarding lead is
    • Keep confidentiality if being told about a potential abuse
    • All staff should have a DBS check
    • Staff training
    • System for sharing concerns e.g. supervision/mentor
    • Method in place for keeping documentation safe
  • Reporting of accidents
    • How to report an accident
    • Who to report an accident to
    • Have an accident book in the setting
    • Health and Safety officer appointed
    • Reports written within appropriate time limit.
  • Food safety
    • Washing fruit and vegetables
    • Temperature control in fridges maintained and checked regularly/logs
    • Handwashing
    • Clothinghair covering
    • Food allergies
    • Cross-contamination
    • For children: food in appropriately sized pieces
    • Food preparation training
    • Cleaning of equipment
    • Checking food for Sell by dates, best before dates
  • Chemical and biological hazards
    • Correct bio bins
    • Labelling
    • Safe storage (locked cupboards)
    • Procedures on spillages
    • PPE (personal protective equipment) worn when needed
    • Covid-19 policy for regular cleaning/ deep cleaning
    • Touch point cleaning
  • Lone working
    • Risk assessments completed
    • Access to a telephone
    • Contact details of management
    • How to report concerns
    • Day nursery: follow ratios.
  • Storage and dispensing of medicines
    • Regular audits of medicines
    • Labelling of medicines
    • Dispensing methods
    • Recording on correct paperwork
    • Two people present when dispensing
    • Temperature for storage/ logs done regularly, fridges
    • Correct containers
    • Parents permission for dispensing
  • Security of premises, possessions and individuals
    • Lockers for personal equipment
    • Items of clothes labelled for residents
    • Security systems for keeping intruders out
    • Security systems for preventing children/vulnerable adults escaping
    • Doors need to have locks where appropriate
  • electrical safety-
    electrical equipment should always be in safe conditions
    maintenance plans should be based on a system of user checks, formal visual inspections and testing
    when an electrician is required to perform work in the care home an appropriate registered contractor should be used
    providing enough sockets to minimise the use of extensions
  • a designated person for fire safety will have the following responsibilities
    take all reasonable fire safety precautions to ensure safety of employees
    carry out a fire risk assessment
    eliminate or reduce dangerous substances
    make sure premises have appropriate firefighting and fire detection equipment
    keep all routes to exits clear
    carry out fire drills
    appout enough people to manage fire safety
    make sure all employees receive necessary fire safety training
  • fire safety risk assessment
    identify hazards so action can be taken to minimise the risks
    reduce the risk of fire breaking out
    focuses on the safety of those at special risk
    ensures that building sare designed to top fires spreading too quickly
    a procedure for evacuating disabled people
  • fire evacuation
    all staff and residents must know the fire evacuation plan
    ACT FAST- act fast, control scene, phone,fight,account for everyone, save others, treat injured
    all staff and residents must now what to do in the event of a fire
    staff must understand their roles and responsibilities
    fire exits must be clearly marked
    all fire equipment should be checked regularly
    alarms must alert all people
    individual need to be taken into account during evacuation
    after the fire a follow up review will identify hat went wrong and prevent incident occurring in the future
  • health and safety at work act 1974-
    Safe environment to work in-premise up to standard 
    Provide safety equipment 
    Staff trained properly
    Risk assessments
  • RIDDOR 2013-
    to reduce work-related 
    death, injury and 
    ill health
    For example in care homes such incidents as lifting equipment falling or a fire in the kitchen that makes it unusable for more than 24 hours would need to be reported.
  • Data protection act 1998 -
    Keep information no longer than necessary and keep information stored up to date. 
    Only use the information for the reason specified 
    Fair and lawful use
  • Food safety act 1990-
    Nothing is added or removed from food which could harm the consumer
    Food should not cause harm
    The food is labelled,advertised and presented in a way that is not false or misleading
    All food is served at a good quality standard of which the consumer expects
    protect public health by ensuring the safety of food.
    aiming to prevent foodborne illnesses and maintain consumer confidence.
  • GDPR
    Europe's data privacy+security laws
    Individuals right delete data about them
    Contain large fines if companies break law
    Governs how personal data used 
    7 principles- lawfulness, fairness, transparency, purpose limitation, data minimisation, accuracy , storage limitation, integrity +confidentiality, accountability
    EU created GDPR harmonise data privacy laws protect+empower EU citizens data privacy +reshape way organisations approach data privacy.
    purpose-protect individuals +data that describes them+ensure the organisations that collect that data do so in a responsible manner.
  • Managements of health and safety at work regulations 1999-
    Employers have duty to carry out suitable + sufficient assessments of the risks faced by their employees and, where appropriate, by non-employees.
    assessments will need to be reviewed if there is a reason to suspect the risk assessment is no longer valid,
    The main duty placed on employers by the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 is to undertake risk assessments to identify potential hazards to employee health and safety and anyone who may be affected by their work activity.
  • Civil contingencies act 2004 delivers framework for civil protection in emergencies
    modernises existing legislation + updating the definition of an emergency:
     an event or situation which threatens serious damage to human welfare
    an event/situation which threatens serious damage to environment
    war,terrorism, which threatens serious damage to security. 
    first : avoid hazardous manual handling operations so far as is reasonably practicable;
    second : assess any hazardous manual handling operations that cannot be avoided;
    third: reduce risk of injury so far as is reasonably practicable.
  • Cosh 1989-
    COSHH Risk Assessment.
    Substance Substitution.
    Minimising Emission and Spread.
    Effective Control Measures. 
    Personal Protective Equipment.
    Limiting Exposure.
    Information Sheets.
    COSHH Training
    prevent or control exposure to substances hazardous to health, they do this by requiring employees to assess the risks of exposure to biological agents. specifically chemicals; fumes; vapours; dusts and germs that cause disease
  • safeguarding children-
    adults without dbs never left alone with children
    staff receive training
    all staff have a duty to report concerns they have about a childs safety
    designated child protection person must attend training+ keep up to date with safeguarding requirements
    must be a named person on site at all times who is responsible for safeguarding
    staff must act on information that a child tells them
    staff must keep written records of all injuries to children
    the use of mobile phones and cameras are prohibited in nurseries. Photos can only be taken with the nurseries camera
  • Food Safety Regulations 1995
    Set of basic food hygiene standards that apply across the European Community as part of the Food Hygiene Directive
  • Registration with Local Authority
    Requirement for each food preparation premises to be registered with the Local Authority to ensure monitoring by environmental health officers
  • COSHH Risk Assessment
    An evaluation of the risks posed by hazardous substances in the workplace, and the measures needed to control those risks.
  • Substance Substitution
    The practice of replacing hazardous substances with less hazardous ones to reduce the risks associated with using hazardous substances.
  • Minimising Emission and Spread
    The steps taken to reduce the release of hazardous substances into the environment and to prevent the spread of those substances within the workplace.
  • Effective Control Measures
    The steps taken to control the risks posed by hazardous substances. Control measures can include engineering controls, administrative controls, and personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

    The equipment worn by employees to protect them from the hazards associated with hazardous substances. Examples of PPE include respirators, gloves, and protective clothing.
  • Limiting Exposure
    The steps taken to limit the duration and intensity of employees' exposure to hazardous substances.
  • Information Sheets
    Documents that provide information about hazardous substances, including their risks and the control measures needed to protect employees.
  • Food Safety Regulations 1995
    Set of regulations establishing basic food hygiene standards across the European Community as part of the Food Hygiene Directive
  • Basic food hygiene standards
    Standards that businesses in the food industry must follow to ensure that the food they produce, handle, and sell is safe for consumers
  • European Community
    Group of European countries that have joined together to form a political and economic union