
    Cards (5)

      • Way to measure strength between two or more co-variables 
      • Plotted on scattergrams 
      • Correlations designed to investigate the strength and direction of relationship
      • Strength of the correlation is expressed by the correlation coefficient
      • Is always a figure between +1 and -1 ( +1 is a perfect positive and -1 is perfect negative)
    • strength:
      • Able to look at the relationship between variables that you would not be able to experimental investigate - food and obesity
      • Correlations are useful as a tool of research as they provide a strength and direction of a relationship between variables and can be used as starting point to assess the relationship between variables 
      • Quick and economical
      • Use secondary data
    • weakness:
      • Don't provide cause and effect 
      • Does not tell us why the variables are related 
      • Another untested variable is causing the relationship between co-variables → third variable problem