ethical issues

Cards (7)

    • Ethical issues arise when conflicts arise between the right of participant and researchers goals to produce valid data
    • BPS legal document  instructing psychologist about not acceptable  behaviour when dealing with participants
    1. Deception : deliberately misleading / withholding information from participants . Some cases where  it is acceptable if it's not  causing distress.
    1. Informed consent : Ppts should be aware of what they're doing . making them aware of the aim of the research, the procedure and their rights .
    1. Protection from harm : ppts not placed in any physical or psychological risk 
    1. Confidentiality: ppts data shouldnt be disclosed to anyone unless discussed. Number instead of names, ptps not able to identify themselves
    1. Right to withdraw : Be aware they can leave at any stage and withdraw their data after study.
  • Ways of dealing with ethical issues : 
    1. Informed consent : issued a consent letter → detailing relevant info that may affect their decision to take part
    2. Debrief : At the end of study,  participants  should be given a full debrief —> true aim , various conditions and what their data will be used for.