Deoxyribonucleic acid is a chemical that determines the physical characteristics of an organism. It is a code. DNA occurs in a long strand known as chromosomes.
When the cell are not dividing, the DNA are in a from known as chromatin.
Chromatin is a condensed form made up of DNA and proteins. The primary protein components are histones, which help organise the DNA into a bead-like structure known as a nucleosome, by providing a base for the DNA to wrap around.
Chromatins are the least visible form of DNA found in the interphase stage
DNA is found in a nucleus of a cell
the observable characteristics of an organism are known as its phenotype.
the phenotype is determined by the genotype and a mix of the environment
Normal human cells are somatic cells
somatic cells have 46 chromosomes.
Gametes are sex cells
gametes are for reproduction
there are 23 chromosomes in Gamates
Genotype is the allele combination of an organsim that determines the phenotype of an organism
two alleles will give 3 different possible genotype outcome
two alleles will give 2 possible phenotype outcome
when the cells are dividing. the cells are in a form known as a chromatid.
Chromatid is each copy of chromosomes resulting from DNA replication. Or just one half of a duplicated chromosome.
The genetic code is a set of rules that dictates how information encoded in DNA or RNA is translated into proteins
Each cell has its own jobs. Each cell type different roles in the body. There are over 200 different jobs
The spiral side or backbone is made up of sugar molecules and phosephate group.
The rungs are made up of nitrogenous bases.
The rungs which are the sequences of bases are connected to the backbone through its bond with the sugar molecules
At the lenght of DNA there are 4 letters sentences. In these sentences are 3 letter words known as codons. These words makeup a sentence that only the cell understand, these are known as your genes.
Each sentence tells a cell to make a special molecule known as protein.
Passing on characteristic from generation from generation is known as inheritance.
The study of inheritance is a branch of biology known as genetics
DNA replication is the process of which the DNA make another copy of itself by splitting and pairing up with their complimentary pair and making new strand of DNA
Red blood cells are the only cells that dont have a nuclei so they dont go through DNA replication
Mitosis is a nuclear division in which one nuclei undergoes cell division to form 2 identical daughter cells.
Mitosis is for the growth and repairing of cells
Mitosis occurs in somatic cells or body cells
Meiosis is a nuclear division in which one nuclei undergoes cell division to form 4 daigher cells who are all unique from eachother
Miesos is for reproduction
Meiosis occurs in sex cells or gamates
Variations are the difference combination in individuals due to the environment and their genotype
Crossing over is the process in which the homologous chromosomes exchange genetic information during cell division of prophase in meiosis
Trait is the genetically determined characteristics of an organism
Karyotype is the organism complete set of chromosomes. It is a map showing the organisms number of and structure of chromosomes
Karyotype can help determine an individual potential disease or any possible sickness
Homologous are chromosomes that codes for the same thing, they are found in the same location on chromosomes and are the same length. However, they are not identical