The condition in which the treatment is administered.
Control Condition
The condition in which the treatment is notadministered.
In an experiment, a group of/or condition in which the participants do not receive the treatment being evaluated.
A treatment versus no treatment experiment eliminates the independent variable; however...
The researcher still creates treatment conditions by manipulatingdifferentvalues of the treatmentvariable. The no treatment condition is simply a zerovalue of the independent variable.
Placebo Control Conditions
A condition in which participants receive a placebo instead of the actual treatment.
The Placebo Effect
A participant's response to an inertmedication or treatment that has no realeffect on the body; occurs simply because the individual thinks the placebo is effective.
An inert substance that produces a negative or harmful effect simply because an individual expects or believesitwillhappen.
What are the two types of research investigators differentiate due to the placebo effect?
Outcome Research
Process Research
Outcome Research
Investigates the effectiveness of a treatment. The goal is to determine whether a treatmentproduces a substantial or clinicallysignificanteffect. It is concerned with the generaloutcome of the treatment ratherthan identifying the specificcomponents that cause the treatment to be effective.
Process Research
Attempts to identify the activecomponents of the treatment. In process research, it is essential that the placebo effect be separated from other, activecomponents of the treatment.
Why is it important to know that using a control condition and the control extraneous variables are two completely different aspects of an experiment?
Control of extraneous variables is an essentialcomponent of all experiments and is required to preventextraneousvariables from becoming confoundingvariable and threatening the internal validity of the study.
Manipulation Checks
In an experiment, an additionalmeasure used to assess how the participants perceive and interpret the manipulation and/or to assess the directeffect of the manipulation.
What are the two ways to check the manipulation?
A manipulation check may be an explicit measure of the independent variable.
A way to check the manipulation is to embed specific questions about the manipulation in a questionnaire that participants complete after their participants in the experiment.
What are four times in which manipulation check is important?
Participant Manipulations
Subtle Manipulations
Placebo Control
Participant Manipulation
Although researchers can be confident of the success of environmental manipulations, there is good reason to questionthesuccess of manipulations that affecttheparticipants.
The variable being manipulated is not particularly salient and may not be noticed by the participants.
The effectiveness of a placebo depends on its credibility. A manipulation check can be used to assess the realism of the placebo.
The researcher attempts to create a real-world environment by manipulating elements within the experimental situation. A manipulation check can be used to assess how participants perceive and respond to an attempted simulation.