types of ltm

Cards (21)

  • the ltm has 3 types of memory: episodic, semantic and procedural.
  • episodic: personal experiences (e.g. first day of school)
  • the episodic memory type has 3 elements: details of event, context, emotions.
  • the strength of episodic memory is determined by the strength of emotions during coding.
  • semantic memory is to do with facts with meaning (e.g. listening to music with your ears).
  • LTM is made of explicit (conscious) and implicit (unconscious) memory
  • episodic and semantic memory are explicit, whilst procedural is implicit.
  • episodic memories are time stamped, meaning you remember what happened and when they happened.
  • Semantic memory: conscious recall of facts with meaning.
  • Episodic memory: recall of past life events (episodes of personal experiences).
  • Semantic memory, e.g. recalling that you listen to music with your ears doesn't require knowing where or when you first learned this fact.
  • Semantic memories contains our shared knowledge of the world.
  • Semantic memory is less personal and contains facts that we all share. It's an immense collection of material which is constantly being added to.
  • Procedural memory is recalling actions and skills. It is 'how we do things'.
  • We can recall procedural memories without conscious awareness.
  • Procedural memories: e.g. driving a car.
  • Procedural memories: the ability to drive a car becomes automatic after practice.
  • Procedural memory describes our implicit knowledge of tasks.
  • There 3 case studies that support the distinction of separate processes of LTM
  • THe 3 case studies supporting the different types of LTM are: Patient HM, Patient PM (2012), and Hodges and Peterson (2007).
  • Patient HM was involved in a bicycle accident, and had to undergo surgery to remove parts of his brain.