Children begin to takes others personal qualities into consideration
Viewed in terms of the kinds of rewards they provide - social comparison
Based on mutual trust
Middle childhood - Damon’s 3 stages of friendship
Based on intimacy and loyalty
Involve mutual disclosure and exclusivity
Develop clear ideas about the behaviors they seek in friends - self selection
Older preschoolers see friendship as a continuing state and as a stable relationship that has meaning beyond immediate moment + pay attention to stress, supports and shared interests - remembering the wants and desires of their friends
Works in conjunction with oxytocin
Increased pair bonding in males
Oxytocin: bonding and social behavior, maternal behavior, love/cuddle, correlated with longevity in a relationship
endorphins: regulates pain and emotion, resembles opiates, contact between primates causes an endorphin increase
serotonin: SSRI, mood and emotional stability,
norepinephrine: adrenaline, fight or flight, effects are manifested in arousal and in states of attraction
dopamine: reward circuitry, reinforces behaviors when activated, reacts to natural rewards