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  • Hazrat Bilal: 'One of the most trusted and loyal companions of the Holy Prophet'
  • Hazrat Bilal was the first muezzin of Islam
  • Hazrat Bilal was a slave of Abyssinian origin
  • Hazrat Bilal was among the earliest group of people who converted to Islam
  • Hazrat Bilal suffered many cruelties at the hands of the pagans upon his conversion
  • Hazrat Abu Bakr saw Hazrat Bilal being tortured
    Hazrat Abu Bakr purchased him from his master and set him free
  • Hazrat Bilal displayed remarkable self-control and patience even under torment
  • During the battle of Badr, Hazrat Bilal fought bravely and killed his former master who used to torture him mercilessly in Makkah
  • Hazrat Bilal continued to deliver the azan till the Prophet's death
  • After the Prophet's death, Hazrat Bilal requested Hazrat Abu Bakr to relieve him of the duty and permit him to go with the army to fight in Syria
  • Hazrat Bilal came to be known as the Prophet's muezzin
  • Hazrat Bilal was one of those people who performed the funeral rites of the Prophet
  • During the Khilafat of Hazrat Umar
    Hazrat Bilal accompanied Abu Ubaydah on the campaign to Syria
  • After migration to Madinah, the Holy Prophet chose Hazrat Bilal to deliver the azan from Masjid-e-Nabawi
  • After the conquest of Makkah, Hazrat Bilal had the honour of calling out the azan from the roof of the Ka'abah
  • Hazrat Umar visited the conquered land

    Hazrat Bilal called out the azan, which was the last one he called out
  • Hazrat Bilal was entrusted with the public treasury by the Holy Prophet because of his honesty and integrity
  • During the last phase of his life, Hazrat Bilal disassociated himself from public life and passed his days in isolation
  • Hazrat Bilal died in Damascus where he is said to have been buried
  • Khalid bin Walid
    Belonged to the Quraish tribe and accepted Islam after the Treaty of Hudaibiya
  • Khalid bin Walid died in 21 A.H.
  • Khalid bin Walid during the battle of Muta
    Fought so bravely that nine swords were broken at his hands
  • Khalid bin Walid during the battle of Uhad
    Changed the tide of the battle when he attacked the Muslim force from behind them, thus changing their victory into almost a defeat
  • Khalid bin Walid
    The Sword of Allah
  • Khalid bin Walid
    The best slave of Allah
  • Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar placed similar reliance on him and made him commander of their armies in the wars against the Romans and the Persians
  • Khalid bin Walid
    A brave and courageous warrior
  • Speaker: 'Quote'
  • Khalid bin Walid during the conquest of Makkah
    Appointed as leader of one of the four squadrons into which the Holy Prophetpbuh divided his army
  • Abdullah bin Masud knew the Quran very well due to his close association with the Holy Prophetpbuh
  • Hazrat Umar sent Abdullah bin Masud to Kufa as an administrator of the public treasury and as a teacher of religion
  • Abdullah bin Masud was one of the most favourite companions of the Holy Prophetpbuh
  • The Holy Prophetpbuh: '"If anyone likes to recite the Quran as fresh as it had descended then he must recite it on the reading of Abdullah bin Masud." (Ahmad)'
  • Abdullah bin Masud learnt the Quran with great fondness and attention
  • Abdullah bin Masud is known as Sahabi bin Sahabiya because his brother and mother belonged to the earlier companions of the Prophetpbuh
  • After embracing Islam, Abdullah bin Masud gave up all other business and would always remain present in the service of the Holy Prophetpbuh
  • The Holy Prophetpbuh did not allow Zaid bin Sabit to take part in the Battle of Badr as he was only thirteen years old at that time
  • Zaid bin Sabit belonged to the Khazraj tribe and had accepted Islam before the Holy Prophet'spbuh migration to Madinah
  • Abdullah bin Masud migrated twice to Abyssinia and later to Madinah
  • Abdullah bin Masud is said to be the authority on some eight hundred traditions