Building memories has three processes; Encoding, storage and retrieval
Encoding is the process of information into the memory system
Storage is the retention of information in the brain over time
Retrieval is the process of getting informationout of the storage
Tip of the tongue phenomenon is the failure of retrieving a word or term from memory
Sensory input is the response in a sensory organ when it receives stimuli
Short-term memory (working space) is a storage that holds small amount of information in a active and readily available state for a brief period of time
Long-term memory is a storage that holds large amounts of information for long periods of time
Iconic memory is a visual sensory memory register that storesvisual images after the extinction of a physicalstimulus
Working memory is the ability for a person to hold a limited amount of information at the ready for immediate mental use
Semantic memory is a type of long-term memory that refers to facts/ideas that are not immediately drawn from personal experience
Long-term memory has two types; Episodic and Semantic
Procedural memory is the most basic form of memory; basic associations between stimuli and responses
Implicit memory is a form of long-term memory that doesn't require conscious retrieval
Explicit memory (declarative memory) is the ability to easily retrieve and recallmemories
Eidetic/photographic memory is the ability to recall visual imagery with fine details
Hyperthymesia is the ability to remember exact dates relating to past personalexperiences in exact detail
Automatic processing is the ability for us to handle multiple tasks without overloading our cognitive resources
Effortful processing is the process of a mental activity that requires conscious effort to perform
Rehearsal is the repetition of information in an attempt to maintain it longer in memory
The-next-in-line-effect is a psychological phenomenon that shows the poor recall of information presented by others immediately before speaking on their own
Serial position effect is a psychological phenomenon that affects how well people remember items in a list or sequence
Spacing effect is the spaced out multiple study sessions over a long period of time that improves ones memory
3 types of encoding for long-term memory: Visual, Acoustic and Semantic
Visual encoding is a cognitive process where one converts visual stimuli into a mental representation that can be stored and retrieved
Acoustic encoding is a neurocognitive process where auditory stimuli is converted into mental representation that can be stored and retrieved
Semantic encoding is a cognitive process where sensory input from our environment is encoded to give it meaning
Self-reference effect is the tendency for others to encode information different depending on their implication of the information
Encoding imagery is the process of encoding images and visual sensory information into mental representation that can be stored and retrieved
Flashbulb memory is an exceptionally clear memories of emotionally significant events that are very vivid and detailed
Mnemonics are any type of device for assisting memory by forging an association between the new information to be remembered and information previously encoded
Chunking is a mnemonic device where one breaks down information into bite-sized "chunks"
Amnesia is the partial or complete loss of memory for one's ability to remember past events
Anterograde amnesia is the inability to create new memories or retain new information
Episodic memory is a type of long-term memory that involves the recollection of personal experiences/events including the time and place of occurrence
Retrograde amnesia is the loss of memories that are formed before amnesia occurs
Hippocampus is responsible for memory and spatial awareness, it looks like a seahorse; it's apart of the Limbic System
Cerebellum is apart of the hindbrain and is responsible for balance and coordination; is a half-circle shape or a mushroom
Amygdala is responsible for basic emotions (aggression, fear, etc.) and is an half-oval shape; it's apart of the Limbic system