Quiz 3

Cards (55)

  • Disadvantages of Clients/Customers as Raters
    • May not see some important aspects of performance, possibility of employee doing favors in return for a high rating, they may not understand the process
  • Advantages of 360-degree feedback
    • Intended to provide an accurate view of employee's performance from several angles or several raters
  • Objective Performance Criteria
    • Tangible measures of performance that can easily be quantified and are role-specific
  • Raters
    • Clients/Customers
    • Self
    • 360-degree feedback
  • Performance Evaluation Steps
    1. Determine reasons for evaluating employees
    2. Identify Environmental & Cultural Limitations
    3. Determine the Raters
    4. Select the best appraisal method
    5. Train Raters
    6. Observe & Document Performance
    7. Evaluate Performance
    8. Communicate Results to Employees
  • Appraisal Dimensions
    • Trait-focused, Competency-focused, Task-focused, Goal-focused
  • Performance Evaluation
    1. Evaluating employees current and/or past performance relative to a performance standard
    2. Typically done annually
    3. Requires a rater who must have the opportunity to observe the employee’s performance on an ongoing basis, emphasizing the need for proper observation and documentation of relevant behaviors and outputs based on the performance standards
  • Step 1: Determine reasons for Evaluating Employees
    For Administrative Reasons: Good knowledge of job requirements, but may create resentment and leniency error
  • Advantages of Clients/Customers as Raters
    • May observe the most critical aspects of performance
  • Advantages of Self as a Rater
    • Most effective when the purpose is not for administrative purposes but for developmental
  • Step 4: Select the best appraisal method
    Performance Standards: Individual performance can be evaluated using objective and/or subjective performance criteria, Appraisal dimensions: Trait-focused, Competency-focused, Task-focused, Goal-focused, Weight of appraisal dimensions, Method/techniques of evaluating appraisal dimensions
  • Method/Techniques of Evaluating Appraisal Dimensions
    • Rating scales listing traits and a range of performance for each, ranging from trait-focused, competency-focused, task-focused, or goal-focused dimensions
  • Subjective Performance Criteria
    • Aspects of the job that cannot be easily seen and are often behavioral in nature, representing the knowledge, skills, abilities, and personality of the employee
  • Rating scales
    • Lists a number of traits and a range of performance for each
    • Range of performance can be trait-focused, competency-focused, task-focused, or goal-focused dimension
    • Employees are rated by identifying the score that best describes their level of performance for each trait
  • Paired comparison
    • Ranking employees by making a chart of all possible pairs and indicating the better employee of the pair
  • Critical incidents - BARS & BOS
    • A record of uncommonly good or undesirable examples of an employee's work-related behavior
    • BARS - Appraisers rate the degree to which the employee displays a critical behavior
    • BOS - Appraisers rate the frequency of critical employee behaviors
  • Rating Errors
  • Frame of Reference Training
    Raters are provided with job-related information, chance to practice ratings, examples of ratings made by experts, rationale behind expert ratings
  • Evaluate Performance
    Review objective data, Complete the form
  • Written narrative
    • Brief essays describing employee performance
  • Method/techniques of evaluation
    1. Rating scales
    2. Alternation Ranking
    3. Paired comparison
    4. Forced distribution
    5. Critical incidents - BARS & BOS
    6. Forced-choice
    7. Written narrative
  • Alternation Ranking
    • Ranking employees from best to worst on a trait
  • Forced distribution
    • Predetermined percentages of rates are placed in various performance categories
    • Example: 20 employees - 30% = 6 High performers, 60% = 12 Average performers, 10% = 2 Low performers
  • Forced-choice
    • Raters select the most or least descriptive phrase in each group about the employee being evaluated
  • Observe & Document Performance
    Critical incidents, Employee performance record, Documentations, Issues/concerns - First impressions, Recent behaviors, Unusual/extreme behaviors
  • Train Raters
    Reasons for training raters: Increase accuracy, Reduce rating error, Frame-of-reference training
  • Rating Errors
    • Unclear Standards
    • Halo Errors
    • Distribution Error - Central Tendency, Leniency/strictness
    • Proximity Error
    • Contrast Error
    • Sampling Problems
    • Cognitive processing of observed behavior
  • Communicate Results to Employees
    1. Before the interview - Allocate time, Schedule the interview, Prepare for the interview
    2. During the interview - Begin
  • Sources of Internal Recruitment
    • Job postings
    • Skills inventories
    • Succession planning
    • Nominations
  • Executive Recruiters
    • Focus on filling in positions or vacancies of executive positions or managerial positions
  • How to avoid internet overload
    • Use Realism or Realistic Job Overview
  • Disadvantages of Internal Recruitment
    • Discontented
    • Inbreeding
    • Waste of time
  • During the interview
    1. Begin with some small talk
    2. Communicate the following: Role of performance appraisal, How the performance appraisal was conducted, How the evaluation process was accomplished, The expectation that this interview will be interactive, Goal of understanding and improving performance
  • Performance Evaluation

    1. Review objective data
    2. Complete the form
  • Offshoring and outsourcing
    • Outsourcing: having outside vendors supply services that the company previously did in-house
    • Offshoring: having outside vendors or relocate business operations overseas
  • Transfer/Lateral Transfer
    No promotion but changes job position or department
  • Recruitment
    Attracting QUALIFIED applicants
  • Communicating Results to Employees
    1. Allocate time
    2. Schedule the interview
    3. Prepare for the interview
  • Promotion
    You step ranks from your previous one
  • Advertising
    • Help-wanted ads: must consider advertising medium and ads construction