
Cards (40)

  • Eucharistic prayer
    Priest says the words of institution, moment of consecration, transubstantiation occurs
  • Blessing and dismissal
    Priest prays a blessing over the congregation and sends them out with a commission to share the love of God through evangelism and mission
  • Ways Catholics participate in redemption or salvation
    Sharing in the Eucharist at every Mass
  • Key parts of the Mass
    • Penitential act before the opening prayer
    • Liturgy of the word
    • Offertory
    • Eucharistic prayer
    • Agnus Dei
    • Communion rite
    • Blessing and dismissal
  • Offertory
    Gifts of bread and wine brought to the altar with a prayer of thanksgiving
  • Catholics tend to think of redemption or salvation as an ongoing process

    They are called to share in the Eucharist at every Mass
  • The Catechism states that the Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life
  • Communion rite

    Congregation receives the Eucharist, believes to be joined with Christ, forgiven, and given grace to resist sin
  • Liturgy of the word
    Consists of readings from the scriptures where Catholics believe they encounter Christ
  • Participation in the Eucharist
    • Genuine encounter with Christ through transubstantiation
    • Receiving grace from God to resist temptation
    • Experiencing the banquet of heaven and a foretaste of salvation
  • Agnus Dei
    Catholics say or sing the prayer shortly before receiving Holy Communion, linking to the sacrifice of lambs and Passover lamb
  • For Catholics, the Eucharist is the most important form of worship directly commanded by Jesus
  • In Orthodox churches, the Eucharist can be received by anyone who has been baptized, even infants, but the consecration takes place behind a screen called an iconostasis to symbolize the mystery element
  • In some Protestant churches, the Eucharist does not always take place every week, for example, Methodists tend to have communion about once a month rather than every Sunday
  • Summit of Christian life
    Participating in Mass is the highest form of prayer and a foretaste of the heavenly banquet
  • Eucharist
    Important to all Christians, for Catholics it is the most important form of worship directly commanded by Jesus
  • When Catholics enter or leave a church, they normally genuflect in the direction of the tabernacle, believing Christ is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. The sanctuary lamp remains lit next to the tabernacle when the Blessed Sacrament is present
  • A small minority of Protestant Christians, including Quakers and Salvation Acela Breit, do not have the Eucharist at all in nonconformist churches, as they reject many rituals in Christianity
  • Orthodox Christians and some high Church Anglicans
    Share a similar view as Catholics towards the Eucharist, believe Christ is truly present
  • Catechism: 'The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life'
  • Catholics practice Benediction or Eucharistic Adoration, where a single consecrated host is displayed publicly in a monstrance. Many Catholics spend time in Eucharistic Adoration to honor the presence of Christ in the sacrament
  • Most Protestant Christians, including Methodists, Baptists, and low church Anglicans, do not believe in transubstantiation, instead, they believe the bread and wine are symbols of Christ sacrificed, with no spiritual change taking place. This belief is called Memorialism or commemoration
  • Names for the Eucharist in Protestant churches
    • Breaking of bread
    • Lord's Supper
  • Catholics believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, which continues after mass ends. They show devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, with consecrated hosts left in the tabernacle at the end of mass
  • The Eucharist can only be led by an ordained priest and is celebrated whenever the community gathers, at least every Sunday
  • Source of Christian life
    Through receiving the Eucharist, Catholics receive the grace to live the Christian life, strength to follow Jesus and resist sin
  • Eucharistic adoration
    A large consecrated host placed in the monstrance is displayed for people to honour Christ
  • Christians
    Believe they are the body of Christ on earth
  • Real presence
    Catholics believe in the 'real presence' of Christ in the Eucharist
  • Monstrance
    A vessel used in the Roman Catholic Church to display the consecrated Eucharistic host during Eucharistic adoration
  • Christians can reflect on this belief in Eucharistic adoration
  • Eucharistic adoration

    • Important opportunity for silent meditation
    • Usually concluded with Benediction
    • People are blessed by the priest using the monstrance in a sign of the cross
  • People sit or kneel
    In the presence of Christ himself
  • Real presence
    The physical presence of Christ in the Mass
  • Speaker: 'Quote'
  • Mass
    • A more meaningful experience
    • The real presence of Christ is physically taken into oneself
  • Jesus commanded
    People to 'Do this in memory of me'
  • Mass
    Christians take a more active part in remembering and re-enacting Jesus' death and resurrection
  • Mass
    A service in the Christian religion where the body and blood of Christ is received
  • Words of consecration
    Recall the Last Supper