A lead is the first sentence or paragraph that gives the audience the most important details of the story in a concise, clear and interesting manner
things to remember when writing the lead
5 WS and 1 H
who, what,where,when,why
keep it simple
easy to understand
get straight to the point
avoid long flowery sentences
the abc of journalism
~ traditional lead
traditional lead is the most common type of lead. It gives a summary of the story
~ punch lead
punch lead uses short, forceful statements that attract the readers attention, it is always followed by a summary that will give context
nut graph is short for "nutshell paragraph", it summarazies the main points and gives context to the story. Always in conjuction with alternative leads used in feature storys
~ question lead
A questions lead starts with a question and is followed by a nut graph
~ quotation lead
make sure that the quote youll use is relevant to the whole story
~ descriptive lead
descriptive lead begins with adjectives that describe your subject, it is usually used in feature stovres