Biological rhythms

Cards (7)

  • Circadian rhythm
    > 24 hour cycle
    > sleep wake cycle is controlled by the master endogenous pacemaker (suprachiasmatic nucleus) found in hypothalamus
    > eyes notice a change in light as it gets dark and less light is received by the retina
    > sends information to the SCN which stimulates the pineal gland to release melatonin and promote sleep
    > when eyes detect light (exogenous zeitgeber) the SCN is reset which maintains the sleep wake cycle
  • Circadian rhythm AO3
    :) RTS Siffre
    DISSCUSSION low population validity
    :) practical applications
  • Infradian rhythms
    > longer then 24 hours - menstrual cycle
    > menstrual cycle 28-35 days
    > begins on the first day of period, womb lining is shed
    > pituitary gland releases FSH which activates the release of oestrogen causing egg to mature
    > increase of oestrogen, increases levels of LH
    > oestrogen develops womb lining and progesterone helps it grow thicker, readying for pregnancy
    > if pregnancy does not occur the egg is absorbed into the body and cycle begins again
  • Infradian rhythm AO3
    :) RTS Russel - synchronised cycles
    DISSCUSSION low control over extraneous variables
    :) methodological flaws
  • Ultradian rhythms
    > less then 24 hours
    > stages of sleep
    > Stage 1 and 2 - NREM - person may easily be woken
    > Stage 3 and 4 - deep sleep NREM - lower frequency and higher amplitude, difficult to wake someone
    > Stage 5 - REM - paralysis, brain activity resembles an awake brain, dreams experienced
  • Ultradian rhythms AO3
    :) practical applications
    :) scientific methods
    DISSCUSSION low ecological validity
  • Sleep wake cycle AO3
    :) RTS DeCoursey
    DISSCUSSION animal bias
    :) RTS Siffre
    DISSCUSSION lack ecological validity