Marriage - A legally and socially sanctioned union, usually between a man and a woman, that is regulated by laws, rules, customs, beliefs, and attitudes.
Preparation and formation
The couple undergoes pre-marriage counseling and discussions with clergy to understand the sacramental and lifelong nature of marriage
2. nuptial mass or wedding ceremony
The ceremony takes the form of a Nuptial Mass or a wedding ceremony with the Rite of Marriage, where the couple exchanges vows and rings.
3. Exchange of Vows and Rings
The couple publicly exchanges their marital vows and rings, symbolizing their commitment to each other.
4. Blessing and exchange of consent
The priest or deacon leads the couple in the exchange of consent, reflecting their mutual decision to marry.
5. Blessing of the marriage
The priest or deacon offers a blessing for the couple, invoking God's grace and guidance for their married life.
6. Nuptial blessing
The couple receives a special blessing asking for God's grace and guidance for their marriage.
7. Liturgy of Eucharist
If included, the Eucharist is celebrated, emphasizing the spiritual significance of the marriage sacrament.
8. Signing of the marriage register
The couple, witnesses, and clergy sign the marriage register, formalizing the marriage in the eyes of the Church and the state.
Indissolubility: Stress on the permanence of marriage.
Role of Love and Fidelity: Core principles in maintaining a strong marital bond.
Marriage - Lifelong union between a man and a woman.
It is the 5th sacrament
"Humanae Vitae": Encyclical on marital ethics.
"Familiaris Consortio": Apostolic exhortation on the role of the Christian family.