A spiritual spring, a time for spiritual growth and renewal
The liturgical color symbolizing penance
Three pillars of Lent
Fasting and/or abstinence
1. Unique three-day liturgical expression of Jesus’ Passion, Death, and Resurrection or the Paschal Mystery
2. Begins with the evening of Maundy Thursday
A new way of knowing the three Persons as one God
The word “Trinity” was invented by theologians to express a new way of knowing the three Persons as one God
The word “triduum” was invented by liturgists for the unique three-day liturgical expression of Jesus’ Passion, Death, and Resurrection or the Paschal Mystery
The word “triduum” is a fusion of the Latin words for “three days” (tria + dies)
The Paschal Mystery commemorates the Risen Christ and transcends the natural boundaries of day and night
The Cross is the most essential symbol for this time
Palm Sunday marks the beginning of the Holy week and is a re-enactment of Jesus' entry and parade into Jerusalem
Maundy Thursday involves genuflecting before getting the Blessed Sacrament, covering hands, and transferring the Blessed Sacrament
The covering of the hands by the priest symbolizes the need for pure hands and hearts
The Last Supper is a reminder of Christ offering himself and the Institution of the Holy Eucharist
Good Friday activities include kissing of the cross, 7 last words, and the station of the cross
Station of the Cross commemorates the last journey of Christ and there is no mass during this time, only liturgy of the word
Priests perform proskynesis before the altar on Good Friday to recognize their nothingness before God
Decorations in the altar are covered on Good Friday to signify the missing Christ