PARASITE = an organism that depends wholly or partly on another living organism for its food. Most parasites are pathogens
OBLIGATE PARASITE = an organism that is restricted to subsist on living organisms and attack only living tissues
FACULTATIVE PARASITE = an organism which has the ability to be a parasite although it is ordinarily a saprophyte
SAPROPHYTE = an organism that lives on dead organic and inorganic matter
FACULTATIVE SAPROPHYTE = an organism that has the ability to become a saprophyte but is ordinarily a parasite
HOST = in plant pathology, refers to the plant that is being attacked by a parasite
SUSCEPT = a plant that is susceptible to a disease whether or not the pathogen is parasitic
PATHOGENICITY = the capacity of a pathogen to cause disease
PATHOGENESIS = disease development in the plant
VIRULENCE = the quantitative amount of disease that an isolate of a given pathogen can cause in a group of plants
AGGRESSIVENESS = measures the rate at which virulence is expressed by a given pathogenic isolate
DISEASE RESISTANCE = the inherent ability of an organism to overcome in any degree the effect of the pathogen
SUSCEPTIBILITY = the opposite of resistance
TOLERANCE = exhibited by a plant which is severely affected by a pathogen without experiencing a severe reduction in yields