Improving accuracy of EWT

    Cards (6)

    • Fisher and Geiselman developed the cognitive interview, helps police gain the most accurate and detailed memory. Lots of open questions are used where the witness is not interrupted and free to expand on their answers
    • Recall everything
      > report all details of the event even if it seems irrelevant
      > may act as a trigger to a memory and additional information
    • Context reinstatement
      > The witness is asked to mentally place themselves back at the scene of the event and imagine the environment, such as the weather and what they could see, and their emotions.
      > Using context and state dependent cues may help to trigger memories of the event that may appear forgotten but are not currently accessible due to retrieval failure
    • Recall in reverse
      > The witness is asked to report what happened in a different chronological order, for example from the end of the crime to the start
      > Prevents witnesses reporting what they expected to happen (schema) rather than what happened. It also prevents dishonesty, as it is harder to lie when having to reverse a story.
    • Recall from changed perspective
      > The witness is asked to recall the incident from another person’s perspective who witnessed the crime e.g., another witness or the perpetrator
      > May prevent witnesses reporting what they expected to happen (schema) rather than what happened.
    • AO3
      :) RTS meta-analysis comparing cognitive and standard interviews
      :( although more info is recalled in a standard, more incorrect info is recalled
      BUT, this could have a negative effect on the economy, as wrong people may be imprisoned