Cards (25)

  • The ever smitten Hermes empty left His golden throne,bent warm on amorous theft

    Blind pursuit of the Nymph from a position of status. Creates a sense of desire and passion.
  • Blushed into roses mid his golden hair Fallen into jealous curls

    connotes a sense of love and desire. Furthermore there are warning signs of this desire manifesting jealous hence there is danger in desire
  • Wreathed tomb
    Lamia's snake form forces her into a state of entrapment
  • Gordian shape of dazzling hue,vermillion spotted

    Lamia as beautiful and enticing hence blinding Lycius to his downfall
  • Some penanced lady elf, some demons mistress
    femme fatale nature of women and imaginations superiority over rational thought
  • Nothing but pain and ugliness were left'

    suffering and loss of identity Lamia endures as her genuine love for Lycius blinds her
  • And by my power is her beauty veiled

    Lamia's agency as a tragic villain in her treatment of the Nymph to escape entrapment
  • Give me my woman's form and place me where he is

    error of judgement and allows the reader to understand her vilainous actions are for genuine love
  • Nor grew they pale, as mortal lovers do

    suggests the idea of this couple staying immortal and therefore together forever compared to Lamia giving it up for a mortal love that will never last
  • The young Corinthian Lycius Charioting foremost in the envious race
    presented as a figure of greatness central in society conflicting their private and secret romance
  • He would return that way,as well she knew
    Lamia's obsession with Lycius heightened through her knowledge of his schedule
  • The amorous promise of her lone complain pale with pain

    passionate love presented as driving characters to sickness echoing Isabella
  • The cruel lady Thus gentle Lamia judged,and judged aright That Lycius could not love in half a fright

    Keats comment on Lamia portraying her as villainous in her manipulation as she weakens herself for him
  • Tangled in her mesh

    entrapping and manipulating Lycius inevitably resulting in suffering
  • His eyes had drunk her beauty up'

    'had' creates the sense of a fateful demise from his blindness
  • He never thought to know
    Lycius losing his identity as a thinker to Lamia as his logic is blinded by passion
  • The ghost of folly haunting my sweet dreams

    suggests eternal pain from falling for Lamia
  • But too short was their bliss To breed distrust and hate,that made the soft voice hiss
    bittersweet idea of Lycius' ignorance of Lamia being his downfall as her beauty blinds him. Subtle use of 'hiss' - metaphorical snake
  • Do not bid Old Apollonius

    Lamia is aware of the reality that could disrupt their delusional relationship
  • veiled ,in a chariot
    motif of warning for staying entrapped and hidden as her identity is secret
  • O senseless Lycius!Madman!

    keats comment of Lycius' blindness suggesting the reader should feel frustrated by this
  • Philosophy will clip an angel's wings'

    suggests the pain of knowing therefore fantasy is better than reality.
  • Of an unnatural heat shot to his heart
    Lycius' downfall and the betrayal magnified by the idea of being shot
  • Than with a frightful scream she vanished
    Lamia doesn't die however her lost of Lycius and her identity indicates her demise/suffering
  • Lycius arms were empty of delight in its marriage robe the heavy body wound 

    death and downfall has manifested itself and highlights his error of judgement of falling in love with Lamia