The use of computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) to produce individually tailored output to customers on a large scale
Example of mass customization
Individually tailored to customers in terms of RAM, capacity, outer shell
Various adaptations of mass customization exist
Pros of mass customization
1. Increased operational flexibility
2. Eliminate intermediaries
3. Less waste
4. More stimulating work environment
Increased operational flexibility
Better meets customer needs, higher sales, higher revenues, potential for repeat business, potential for brand loyalty, potential for inelastic product demand, added value
Eliminate intermediaries
Increases profit margins
Less waste
Output is produced to customer preferences, reducing chances of waste
More stimulating work environment
May lead to lower absenteeism and reduced labor turnover
Cons of mass customization
Requires computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), CAD costs, labor training, financial considerations, potential need for external sources of finance (debt or equity)
Do you have the finances available to do this or you're going to have to get sources of finance
How to get sources of finance
1. Debt
2. Equity
Getting sources of finance
Impact in the short term: High capital expenditure, increased operational flexibility, reduced intermediaries' profit margins, less waste
High capital expenditure
Offset by increased operational flexibility, reduced intermediaries'profit margins, and less waste in the long term
Mass customization
Less scope for economies of scale, potential for more waste, slower response speed, higher capacity utilization issues
Mass customization suggests a wider range of products, leading to the need for more raw materials or components
Wider range of products may result in less negotiating power with suppliers and higher prices
Higher prices from suppliers increase average cost per unit, impacting economies of scale
Mass customization may lead to more waste if quality control and quality assurance are poor
Individually tailored output in mass customization may result in customer dissatisfaction and product rejection
Slower response speed in mass customization compared to mass production
Lower capacity utilization with multi-product production lines in mass customization may lead to inefficiency and increased average cost per unit