The nomenclature of algae, fungi, and plants is independent of zoological and prokaryotic nomenclature.
ICZN (Article1, Section4)
Zoological nomenclature is independent
of other systems of nomenclature in that the name of an animal taxon is not to be rejected merely because it is identical with the name of a taxon that is not animal
Species Plantarum (Carl v. Linne, 01 May 1753)
Genera Plantarum (A. de Jussieu, 04 Aug 1789)
Species Muscorum Frondosorum (Johann Hedwig, 01 Jan 1801)
Monographie des Oscillariées (Maurice Gomont, 01 Jan 1892)
Révision des Nostocacées hétérocystées (Bornet & Flahault, 01 Jan 1886)
The British Desmidieae (John Ralfs, 01 Jan 1848)
Monographie und Iconographie der
Oedogoniaceen (Hirn, 01 Jan 1900)
Flora der Vorwelt (Sternberg, 31 Dec 1820)
Systema Naturae 10th Ed. (Carl v. Linne, 1758)
Aranei Svecici (Carl Clerk, 1758)
Lois De La NomenclatureBotanique
AlphonsedeCandolle (01January1867)
Name: validly published, legitimate or illegitimate
Binomial/binary combination: generic and specific ephitet
Combination: name of a taxon below the rank of genus, genus combined with one or two ephitets
Name: word/s to denote a particular entity, scientific name, element of species-group taxon
Binomial/Binomen: combination of two names - generic and specific
TrinomialName/Trinomen: combination of generic name, specific name, subspecific name = scientific name for a subspecies
Nomenclatural Type (Typification: ICNafp)
Article 7: Typification in General
7.1: names must have a nomenclatural type
Name-Bearing Type (ICZN)
Article 61: Principle of Typification
61.1: type that will serve as a reference for that taxon
The one specimen or illustration indicated as the nomenclatural type by the author(s) of a name of a new species or infraspecific taxon or, when no type was indicated, used by the author(s) when preparing the account of the new taxon
The one who gave the name will be the one used in the specimen and not the one who collected
Holotype duplicate
Any specimen cited in the protologue when there is no holotype, or any of two or morespecimens simultaneously designated in the protologue as types
A duplicate specimen of a syntype
Any specimen cited in the protologue that is neither the holotype nor an isotype, nor one of the syntypes if in the protologue two or more specimens were simultaneously designated as types
One specimen or illustration designated from the original material as the nomenclatural type, in conformity with Art. 9.11 and 9.12, if the name was published without a holotype, or if the holotype is lost or destroyed, or if a type is found to belong to more than one taxon
A duplicate specimen of the lectotype
A specimen or illustration selected to serve as nomenclatural type if no original material is extant or as long as it is missing
A duplicate specimen of the neotype
A specimen or illustration selected to serve as an interpretative type when the holotype, lectotype, or previously designated neotype, or all original material associated with a validly published name, cannot be identified for the purpose of the precise application of the name to a taxon
A duplicate specimen of the epitype
“For the name of a new taxon at generic or lower rank, the type must be indicated. “
01 January 1990
“For the name of a new taxon at generic or lower rank, the type must be indicated using the word “typus” or “holotypus”, or its abbreviation, or its equivalent in a modern language.”
“For the name of a new taxon at specific or lower rank, the single herbarium, collection, or institution in which the type is conserved must be specified if the type is a specimen or an unpublished illustration.”
“For the name of a new taxon at specific or lower rank, the type may no longer be an illustration and must be a specimen. An exception is made in certain cases for non-fossil microscopic algae and non-fossil microfungi.”
Syntype, or sometimes isotype of paratype
Holotype illustration or a “typotype”
Specimen, could be a neotype of epitype, collected from the locus classicus
Type or fragment of a type that should not be in its current location
Name-bearing types of a ICZN species: holotype, syntype, lectotype, neotype
Not name-bearing ICZN species: paratype and paralectotype
The single specimen (except in the case of a hapantotype, q.v.) designated or otherwise fixed as the name-bearing type of a nominal species or subspecies when the nominal taxon is established.
One or more preparations consisting of directly related individuals representing distinct stages in the lifecycle, which together form the name-bearing type in an extant species of protistan.
while a series of individuals, is a holotype that must not be restricted by lectotype selection; however, if a hapantotype is found to contain individuals of more than one species, components may be excluded until it contains individuals of only one species.
Each specimen of a type series (q.v.) from which neither a holotype nor a lectotype has been designated. The syntypes collectively constitute the name bearing type.