Car manufacturers are steadily producing new electric vehicles
One day, we may see the end of the internal combustion engine and the 'traditional motor car'
Battery technology
Crucial in the development of electric vehicles
Reasons why battery technology is crucial
Cars need to travel long distances between recharging
Decrease charging times for short distances
Effort to be similar to the time it takes for a petrol tank
Never able to recharge a battery instantly
Government actions to encourage electric vehicle ownership
Install charging points
Provide charging points at the workplace
Claim tax benefits on car purchases
No road tax
Develop smaller lighter batteries capable of holding a larger charge
Increased life expectancy
Stages of manufacture and assembly
1. Raw materials received
2. Metal sheet bending
3. External parts assembly
4. Painting
5. Lacquering
6. Interior parts assembly
7. Quality control
8. Shipping
3D printing technology has been around for over a decade, but it is now starting to become widely accessible
One day all households may have a 3D printer with the ability to print anything to a similarqualityascurrentmanufacturingstandards
Impact of 3D printing on the spare parts industry for small household appliances
User may download a spare part printing file for a small fee or go to a local shop similar to a key cutter, print out, go home, and install it
Product longevity will increase, manufacturedobsolescence will decrease, company can offer lifetime support, access perfect made parts
Effect of 3D printing on the sale of new tools and equipment
Repaired industry likely to boom, more small business employees, reduction in volume of goods sold, products have a longer lifespan, manufacturing designing that require specialist tools and equipment
Benefits of a small repairs company becoming a cooperative
Sharing ownership, emotionally and financially connected to business, innovation
Finite resources used in the production of a pair of training shoes
Plastic, rubber, oil, coal, gas
How could finite resources be replaced by non-finite resources to make production 'greener'
Since they comprise many parts of different materials
Finite resources used in the production of a pair of training shoes
Finite resources used in the production of a pair of training shoes
Powering power stations to fuel production
How to make production 'greener'
Use renewable fuel sources to power manufacturing processes
Use only recycled materials in shoes
Finite resources
Non-renewable resources like fossil fuels
Non-finite resources
Resources that can be replenished like oxygen, fresh water, timber, leather
Oil distillation process produces pollutants
Transport of bags to retailers
Creates pollution
Plastic bags contribute to pollution in the air and water
Oil distillation process produces pollutants
Bags ending up in the ocean
CO2 emissions impact global warming
Biodegradable polymers are being used as an alternative solution
Charging for bags has reduced consumption by 80% in the UK in the first year
Factories manufacturing mobile phone technology are becoming more and more automated, using robots for parts assembly and warehouse control. Despite this, they employ hundreds of thousands of people
Roles more or less likely to be replaced by a robot or an automated process
Roles involving peeling, empathy, or social intelligence are unlikely to be replaced
Thinking, negotiation, care assistance, and originality aren't likely to change
Assembly, repetitive structured processes, small spaces are likely to be automated
Job roles in order of those most under threat from automation
Personal assistant or secretary
Graphic designer
Sewing machinist
Large goods vehicle driver
Vehicle assembler
Mechanical engineer
Packer, bottler, cann
Job roles most under threat from automation
Routine inspector and tester
Graphic designer
Sewing machinist
Packer, bottler, canner or filler
Large goods vehicle driver
Vehicle assembler
Mechanical engineer
Personal assistant or secretary
10. Teacher
Changes in manufacturing with the introduction of robotics and automated procedures
1. Upskilling of technicians to oversee equipment and maintenance programmes and software
2. Technicians to develop movement paths and customisations
Colour can be used to indicate meaning, but this meaning can be understood differently in different cultures
Suitable colour indicator for ecology or safe passage
Green conveys safety, calmness, nature, and help
Meaning of the colour green in various societies
Meanings of green in various societies
Choice of colour for packaging a new environmental product designed for sale internationally depends on culture and their colour association
Impact of Amazon Air delivery service on traditional delivery services for Amazon
Restrictions on the operation of delivery drones
Impact of Amazon Air delivery service on delivery services offered by competitors
Negative impacts of the new Amazon Air delivery service on society