Cognitive Approach

    Cards (16)

    • The Cognitive approach criticizes Behaviourism because it doesn't account for unobservable processes such as memory, perception and thinking.
    • The Cognitive Approach focuses on mental processes of memory, thinking and perception.
    • In the Cognitive Approach, conclusions about behaviour are made from Inferences.
    • Inferences are conclusions made based on evidence and reasoning.
    • In the Cognitive Approach, theoretical and computer models are used to help understand internal mental processes. These models usually overlap, creating a picture of how we carry out mental processes.
    • Theoretical models are more abstract, they often show information flowing through our cognitive systems e.g. the Multi-Store Model
    • Computer models are more Concrete and less abstract than theoretical models. The Computer model is programmed into a computer to see if it outputs similarly to a human. If it does, similar processes could be happening in human minds.
    • Computer models lead to the development of AI
    • A Schema is a pre-made idea or expectation of something. Schemas are formed by past experiences and they are the mental framework for oncoming information
    • Babies are born with a Motor Schema (sucking, grasping)
    • As we develop into adults, our schemas become more complex.
    • Cognitive Neuroscience is a large part of the cognitive approach. It involves using brain scans such as FMRI and PET scans to identify the neurological basis of mental processes.
    • A strength of the cognitive approach is that it is tested in highly controlled lab based settings. This means that you get reliable and objective data.
    • A weakness of the cognitive approach is that it ignores the effect of emotion and motivation on behaviour.
    • A criticism of the Cognitive Approach is that it is not applicable to daily life. It is very abstract and theoretical and uses artificial stimuli. This means that it lacks external validity.
    • The cognitive approach is useful in the development of AI, machine learning and Robots