were the movements that spread in western Europe and the united states during the rococo era, from the late 18th to 19th centuries
neoclassical and romantic period
were the movements that spread in western Europe and the united states during the rococo era, from the late 18th to 19thcenturies
rococo era from 18th to 19th century
first class
neoclassicism was also known as the
age of enlightenment
neoclassicism was inspired by
ancient greece and rome
neoclassical era sought to break new ground with both delicate and stormy presentation of sentiment.
was also made popular because of the romantic adoration of nature by the inhabitants
landscape painting
was a reaction to the neoclassical pieces of historical contemplative nature
these buildings were uncommon during the rennaisance as architects of the period focused mainly on appliying classical elements to churches and modern buildings like palazzos and villas
temple style
based on andrea palladio's style of villa construction. these buildings feature a ballustrade which is a railing with vertical supports along the edge of the roof
Palladian style
features a rectangular or square plan with a flat roof. was also known as beaux art style
classical block style
features a rectangular or square plan with a flat roof. was also known as beaux art style
beaux art style
refers to artworks made for intentional use
motivated function of art
refers to artworks that are integral to being human
non-motivated function of art
objects that function to make them physically comfortable
physical function
enhancing sense of identity
social function
to express personal feelings
personal function
to express spiritual beliefs
spiritual function
reinforcing education through symbols and signs
educational function
enhancing a sense of identity and ideological connection