Stool samples - best collected in clean, wide-mouthed containers made of waxed cardboard or plastic with a tight-fitting lid to ensure retention of moisture and to prevent accidental spillage
Direct fecal smear (DFS) - primarily useful in the detection of motile protozoan trophozoites and helminth eggs and larvae
Kato thick smear - is useful in mass stool examination for detecting STH eggs
Kato-Katz method - AKA cellophane covered thick smear; useful for assessing the intensity of infection in schistosomiasis and common soil-transmitted helminthiasis
Concentration techniques are applicable in cases of light infections and if there is a need to recover more parasites.
Acid ether concentration technique (AECT) - recommended for the recovery of Trichuris, Capillaria, Schistosoma, and other trematode eggs
40% HCl - used in AECT dissolve albuminous material
Zinc sulfate flotation requires an ideal specific gravity of 1.18 to 1.20. If parasites are exposed to high specific gravity, distortion and shrinkage of protozoan cysts and thin-walled nematode eggs may occur.
Brine flotation - uses a saturated table salt solution in which stools are directly mixed with; no need for centrifugation since helminth eggs rise to the surface of the solution
Sheather's sugar flotation - uses boiled sugar solution that is preserved with phenol; used for the recovery of coccidian cysts such as Cryptosporidium, Cyclospora, and Isospora
Sedimentation techniques are used if the parasite has a higher specific gravity than the reagent.
Flotation techniques are used if the parasite has a lower specific gravity and will float to the surface of the preparation.
Formalin ether concentration technique (FECT) - useful in the recovery of both helminth eggs and protozoan cysts
Brine flotation is not useful for operculated eggs like Clonorchis, Opisthorchis, and heterophyids because these do not float in brine solution.
Ether - used to dissolve neural fats in stool
Ethyl acetate - may be used as an alternative to ether, but it is not as efficient in the extraction of fat or mucoidal material from the stool
10% formalin - used in FECT as an all purpose fixative