The creation of the autonomous and sovereign national state in northwestern and eastern zones of the Indian subcontinent
The name of the new state created in 1947 was Pakistan
Origin of the name Pakistan
P from Punjab
A from Afgan (signifying the North-West Frontier Province)
K from Kashmir
S from Sind
Tan from the last syllable of Baluchistan
Original provinces of Pakistan
West Punjab
North-West Frontier Province
East Bengal (later named East Pakistan)
In 1971, East Pakistan gained independence and formed Bangladesh with West Bengal
The literature of Pakistan and Bangladesh, particularly poetry, is greatly influenced by Islamic mysticism or Sufism
A language that has enriched thought and literature
Muhammad Iqbal, a native of Punjab, was a famous Urdu poet who inspired Muslims with a new sense of their cultural distinctiveness and a feeling of destiny
Many species of parrots are prized for their ability to repeat words or learn complicated tricks
Some parrots can use human words or symbols to communicate feelings such as hunger, fear, or boredom
The talking parrot is a favorite character in Asian folklore
Folklore includes legends, myths, fables, and stories passed along in the oral tradition
Folklore stories entertain and keep the past alive, reflecting beliefs, traditions, and values of society
Mumtaz Mufti: 'Mumtaz Mufti is a veteran writer'
Mumtaz Mufti's stories often provide cases for psycho-analysis
The story "Sister" by Mumtaz Mufti is based on a tradition in Pakistan regarding marriage
"Sister" is a masterpiece for psychoanalytical study, subtle, dignified, and with a clean atmosphere
"Sister" is narrated in the first person point of view, a literary technique
The narrator in the story "Sister" is a character in the story, using the first person point of view as a literary technique
A literary technique delving into character behavior to explain cause-effect relationships, influenced by the psychologies of Carl Gustav Jung and Sigmund Freud
Jung, a psychiatrist, founded analytical psychology and viewed symbol creation as important in understanding human nature
Jung explored the correspondence between symbols arising from individual life struggles and symbolic images in cultural and historical systems
Psychoanalysis emphasizes the central role of the unconscious mind, the irrational, the intuitive, the primitive, and the use of myths
Psychoanalysis rejects traditional literary exposition, emphasizing internal experience over outward "reality" and replacing traditional chronology with a more subjective order
Stream of consciousness is a method of literary psychoanalysis
The narrators of "Bangladesh (East Pakistan): Land of Elephant Roundups and Bengal Tigers" traveled to Bangladesh in 1955 when it was still part of Pakistan
Pakistan was created in 1947 from predominantly Moslem-occupied areas of India
The area of Bangladesh is about one-sixth of the area of Pakistan, formerly known as West Pakistan
A travelog is a talk or written piece on travel, usually illustrated pictorially
To appreciate a travelog, create mental pictures of the described places and imagine yourself there
The present tense is used to express a permanent condition, a general truth, a present action, or a future action that is scheduled
Intonation patterns
Rising intonation is used for alternatives with or
Rising intonation is used on all items in the series except on the last where rising-falling intonation is used
Direct Address
Rising intonation is used for names or words substituted for names addressed directly to the person being spoken to
Simple Present Tense
Used to express a permanent condition, a general truth, a present action, a habitual action, as well as a summary
Singular form of the be verb is is; plural form is are
All other verbs in the present tense, singular, add -s to the base form; base form is used for the present tense, plural
Simple Past Tense
Used to express past action
Regular verbs form the past by adding -d or -ed to the base form; irregular verbs have other ways of forming the past form
Future Tense
Used to indicate future action
Formed through the use of shall and will with the base form of the verb
Progressive Tense
1. Expresses action that continues over a period of time
2. To make the progressive form of the verb, always use the -ing form of the verb together with a form of be as a helping verb
Present progressive tense
The sun is hiding behind the clouds
Butterflies are flitting from flower to flower
One of my classmates is writing
I am listening to the discussion
Pastprogressive tense
I was studying in the library yesterday
My neighbors were cleaning their yards last Sunday