50,000 hectares are removed for mining of minerals
The reserves in mines are expected to last for 300 years
commercial farming covers 80% of all deforestation in the amazon
commercial farming also covers 25% of cleared land in the amazon
transamazon highway is 4,000km long
7,000km cleared for the HEP reservoir
125 dams expected to be built for 15 years
HEP provides 80% of Brazils electricity
tribes have been displaced as numbers reduced from 330(1900) to 240
50-90% of species are found in the rainforest
2,000 medicinal plants with anti cancerous properties found in rainforest
1/4 modern medicine originated from the amazon
akuntsu tribe reduced to only 5 members
33,000 new trees planted in 2018 due to REGUA
ITTA ( international tropical timber agreement) set up in 2006 and 71 countries signed up
amazon generates 20% of global oxygen
20000 species lost each year in the amazon
15% of direct global greenhouse emissions cause by deforestation
12-15 million hectares of forest lost each year
toucans beak is 1/3 of its body
sloth has 3 extra cervical vertebrae to turn its head 270 degrees
buttress roots grow up to 2m above ground to help anchor the emergent tree
emergent 30-60m
canopy 15-30m
under canopy 5-15m
shrub layer less than 5m
epping forest is home to 177 species of lichen and moss
epping forest has 100 lakes and ponds
food web has multiple interactions and multiple food options per species
food chain is linear pattern with only one food option at each level
nutrient cycle is where trees shed leaves and the decaying vegetation releasing nutrients which enter soil surface and get taken up by shallow roots which use it to help their tree grow
trophic levels are the levels of a food chain/web and shows direction of energy
insolation is the intensity of the suns rays due to concentration at the equator due to the earths tilt
conventional rainfall is when sun heats ground causing warm air to rise and air condensed to make clouds to form and droplets form and gravity letting them fall
Polar Bears have closable nostrils to prevent water from entering the nose when swimming
14% of Earth’s carbon is ties up in permafrost
1/10 are employed in Alaska’s fishing industry
fishing industry contributes $ 6 billion to Alaskan economy
Trans-Alaskan Pipeline is 800km long
March 1989 - oil tanker spilled between 260,000 to 750,000 barrels of crude oil into prince william sound