
Cards (75)

  • Contraindicated Medication for UTI
    • Tetracycline
  • Lung Maturity
    • Bethamethasone
  • Medication for Artificial Mitral Valve Heart Failure Before, During and After
    • Penicillin
  • Cervical Cancer
    • Least harmful is chemotherapy, radiation therapy, anticoagulant therapy
  • Administration of Rho(D) immune globulin (RhIG)
    1. Rh negative
    2. Assess direct Coombs test is positive
    3. Validate if baby is RH negative
    4. Verify client’s identity
  • What Vitamin is best taken with IRON Supplement
    • Vitamin C
  • Artificial Mitral Valve Heart Failure 20th Week

    Encourage Enough Bed Rest
  • What kind of infection is at high risk in patients with Premature Rupture of Membranes
    • Urinary Tract Infection
  • A pregnant patient 32 weeks complains of bright red bleeding in the vagina and no abdominal pain (placenta previa)
    First to do is to assess FHT
  • Pregnant client with Hyperthyroidism
    Enlarged Baby especially if the mother is prescribed with PPU (Prophythioracil)
  • Multigravida pregnant mother has chest pain complaints 38 weeks multigravida and recently inhaled cocaine

    Top nursing priority is to assess for Abruptio Placenta
  • Diagnosed with gestational hypertension with HELLP (Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes and Low Platelets) syndrome
    Priority is to assess platelets
  • Mother with Tuberculosis sputum contains mycobacterium
    1. 6 months
    2. RIPE
    3. Rifampin-3 months
    4. Isoniazid-3 months
    5. Pyridoxine
    6. Ethambutol
  • Amniotic membrane ruptured and umbilical cord is detected
    Trendelenburg or knee chest
  • Placenta previa and prepared for delivery
    1. Prepare stat CS
    2. Teach patient regarding breathing techniques
    3. Anesthesiologist will ask the patient to cough and raise legs in order to assess for sensation
    4. Sedate/intubate if general anesthesia
  • Symptoms Severe Pre-Eclampsia with HELP with 26 weeks

    • Seizures
    • Elevated Protein Level
    • Elevated BUN
  • Methimazole is preferred for Crohn's
  • Decreased Creatine is a symptom of PROM
  • Long Term Goal of H. mole is Gestational Trophoblastic Disease and Cancer Free
  • Patient with Oligohydramnios what is a possible finding in the ultrasound for fetal defects
  • Ultrasound structural defect detected
    • Pulmonic stenosis
    • Ventricular septal defect
    • Hip dysplasia
    • Tracheoesophageal fistula
  • Threatened Abortion-what test can help determine if it is viable or nonviable
  • Type 1 Diabetic with Polyhydramnios
    • Reduced urinary output
    • Puerperal rash
    • Uterine contraction
    • Report increased urine
  • Differentiation of previa and abruptio
  • 22 Weeks Multiple Gestation (Twins)
    • Fundic height measurement
    • Adds 4 cm to the fundic height
  • Cervical cerclage
    1. Goal is to have term pregnancy post-op cervical cerclage
    2. Monitor contractions
    3. Prep CS
  • Normal Human Chromosomes
  • Study of Disorders
  • Treatment for twins
    1. Fundic height measurement
    2. Adds 4 cm to the fundic height
  • Cervical cerclage
    1. Goal is to have term pregnancy
    2. Post-op cervical cerclage - Monitor contractions, prep CS
  • Normal Human Chromosomes: 46 total chromosomes, 23 pairs. 44 total chromosomes if somatic and sex cells are excluded
  • Study of Disorders - Edwards Syndrome

    Trisomy 18, problem with developmental growth
  • Causes of Maternal Death
    • Bleeding
    • GDM
    • Infection
    • Hypertension
    • Obstructed Labor
  • Common Conditions of the Infant that will develop with RDS
    • Infant born premature less than 37 weeks below SGA
    • 10th percentile LGA - above 90th percentile
  • If newborn is SGA

    Condition associated with the Mother: hypertension and deficiency of amniotic fluid
  • Signs of postpartum psychosis: delusions, hallucinations, suicide, infanticide. Most common are delusions and hallucinations. Suicide and infanticide are part of psychosis
  • How to check the heart rate or auscultate heart sounds of a breech baby
    Upper quadrant
  • If a postpartum mother with mastitis asks if she can continue to breastfeed, continue breastfeeding as engorgement may be present
  • Sudden drop of heart rate due to rupture of membranes: risk for cord prolapse. Management: perform vaginal exam (internal examination) ALWAYS use sterile gloves, knee-chest position, check FHT
  • Best position for a pregnant mother experiencing hypotension is lateral position