Strange situation

    Cards (23)

    • A01: Individual Differences in Attachment
    • The Strange Situation (Ainsworth, 1978)
    • The Strange Situation is a procedure for assessing the quality of attachment between the infant and mother
    • It is a controlled observation developed by Mary Ainsworth et al (1978)
    • The Strange Situation involves
      • Series of 8 episodes where the child is either with its mother, left alone or with a stranger
      • Procedure lasts for 24 minutes in total (each stage lasting 3 mins)
    • The main aim of the study is to obtain signs of attachment by observing any signs of stranger anxiety
    • Participants in the study
      • Child
      • Mother
      • Stranger
    • Controlled observation

      The situation is controlled by the researcher
    • Naturalistic observation

      Observation takes place in a natural setting without any interference from the researcher
    • A controlled observation differs from a naturalistic observation as the situation is controlled by the researcher
    • Secure attachment (Type B)
      60-75% if infants
      distress when mother leaves and stranger appeared but accepts care when returns
    • Insecure avoidant (type A)
      no distress when mother leaves little when stranger appears- unemotional
    • Insecure resistant huge separation anxiety when mother leaves and stranger anxiety is large when other feature they are inconsolable
    • Attachment Based on caregiver sensitivity - buts usually American children - generalisability issues
    • Culture bias
    • Bowby beleved that attachments were innate (nature)
    • Different communities regard different child rearing techniques as most desirable
    • Different child rearing techniques
      • German parents encouraging independence in their infants
      • Israel infants spending much time in the company of adults other than their parents
      • Japanese mothers keeping their infants physically attached to them in their baby carriers for practically the whole day
    • Van ljzendoorn and Kroonenberg (1988) conducted a meta-analysis of cultural variations in attachment
    • Meta-analysis
      A statistical method of combining the results of multiple scientific studies to increase the power of the statistical tests and improve estimates of the size of the effect
    • Meta-analysis uses secondary data
    • Van ljzendoorn and Kroonenberg (1988) conducted a meta-analysis in which they analysed the results of 32 separate studies in 8 countries which used Ainsworth's 'Strange Situation'
    • Weakness of Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg is imposed etic.