The structure off a cell membrane is composed of proteins and phospholipids molecules
The membrane is selectivelypermeable
The membrane allows small, soluble molecules to pass across but stops the passage of large, insoluble molecules
One of the functions proteins have is they form channels to allow small molecules to passthrough the membrane
one of the functions protein have is it acts as a carrier for substances in andout of the cell (activetransport)
passive transport occurs down a concentration gradient and doesn’t require energy
2 examples of passive transport is diffusion and osmosis
Diffusion is the movement of molecules down a concentrationgradient from a highconcentration to a of lowconcentration
diffusion occurs whenever there is a difference in concentration
diffusion is passivetransport
osmosis is the diffusionofwaterdown a concentrationgradient from higherwaterconcentration to a lowerwaterconcentration through the selectivelypermeablemembrane
Active transport requiresenergy for the membrane proteins to move molecules and ionsagainst a concentration gradient
Active transport requiresenergy
passivetransport is the movement of molecules or ions from a lowerconcentration to a higherconcentration
osmosis moves proteins and ions against the concentrationgradient
Plant cell in pure water will cause the plant cell to swell and become turgid
plant cell in a stronger salt/sugar solution will cause the cell membrane to shrink and become plasmolysed
animal cell in a strong salt/sugar solution will cause the cell to shrink
animal cell in pure water solution will cause the cell to burst