Cards (13)

  • The chemical energy stored in glucose must be released by all cells through a series of enzyme-controlled reactions called respiration.
  • The energy released from the breakdown of glucose is used to generate ATP.
  • Energy released during respiration is used for cellular activities such as:
    -muscle contraction
    -cell division
    -protein synthesis
    -active transport
    -carbon fixation
    -transmission of nerve impulses
  • Aerobic Respiration:
    glucose + oxygen———-> carbon dioxide+ water + energy
    Aerobic respiration occurs only when oxygen is present. It begins in the
    cytoplasm and is completed in the mitochondrion. It produces a large number
    of ATP.
  • Fermentation:
    In plants/yeast:- glucose ———>carbon dioxide + ethanol + energy
    In animals (muscles):- glucose———-> lactate + energy
    Fermentation occurs when oxygen is absent. It occurs and is completed in the
    cytoplasm. It produces 2 molecules of ATP (so less efficient).
  • Aerobic Pathway:
    Stage 1
    Firstly, glucose is broken down into two
    molecules of pyruvate.
    This releases enough energy to yield two
    molecules of ATP.
    This stage occurs in the cytoplasm of a
  • Aerobic Pathway: Stage 2
    Then, if oxygen is present, aerobic
    respiration takes place.
    Each pyruvate is broken down into
    carbon dioxide and water.
    This releases enough energy to yield a
    large number of ATP molecules.
    Cells requiring a lot of energy will have a higher number of mitochondria.
    Such cells include muscle, sperm & nerve cells (neurons) in animals and
    companion cells in plants.
  • Fermentation:
    Stage 1
    In the absence of oxygen, the
    fermentation pathway takes place.
    Glucose is broken down into two
    molecules of pyruvate.
    This releases enough energy to yield two
    molecules of ATP
  • Fermentation: Stage 2
    In plants and yeast cells, the pyruvate is converted to carbon dioxide and
    In animals cells (e.g. muscle cells), the pyruvate is converted to lactate.
    The whole fermentation pathway occurs in the cytoplasm of a cell.
    Fermentation yields only 2 molecules of ATP from the initial breakdown of
    glucose into pyruvate
  • Stage 1 of respiration
  • Stage 2 of respiration
  • Stage 1 of fermentation (animal cell)
  • stage 2 of fermentation (plant and yeast cells)