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  • Medieval: Hippocrates
    Hippocrates had the theory of the Four Humours in 400BC. When someone was ill the Humours were unbalanced.
    4 humours:
    • Black bile
    • Yellow bile
    • Blood
    • Phlegm
  • Medieval: Galen
    He was a roman doctor who developed Hiplocrates ideas. He had the Theory of Opposites.
    E.g. a hot bath to cure a cold
  • Medieval: life
    Church - very influencing. Priests in every village.
    King and government- involved in war and punishment of criminals.
    Communication - printing in 1470s. Books written by hand before.
    Education - Church controlled. By 15th century 50% could read. Physicists in universities.
    Work and harvest - 90% worked as farmers.
  • Medieval:
    Middle ages was 1250 - 1500
  • Medieval: physicians
    . They diagnosed illness and recommended course of treatment
    . Oxford and Cambridge universities set up to school medicine
    . Medical degree took 7-10 years
    . Physicians were expensive
    . Less trained professionals carried out procedure
  • Medieval: physicians
    How they consulted patients:
    1 - looked at samples of patients urine, faeces and blood
    2 - consult their astrological charts
    3 - use these to give course of treatment
  • Medieval: apothecaries
    . Mixed herbal remedies
    . Less skilled than physicians
    . Didn't need to attend university
    . Dabbled in alchemy and the supernatural
    . Amulets and charms for patients
  • Medieval: apothecaries
    The studied herbal manuals such as Materia Medica.
  • Medieval: surgeons
    . Barber surgeons were least qualified
    . Performed small surgeries e.g. pulling teeth and bleeding patients
    . Advertised by putting bowl of blood in shop window
    . Some were highly trained
  • What humour caused being faint and dizzy?
    Treated by bloodletting
  • What was the humour that caused tummy ache?
    Black bile
    Take a laxative
  • What humour caused swollen body parts and painful joints?
    Yellow bile
    Treated by purging
  • What humour caused sneezing and coughing?
    Treated by a hot bath or chillies
  • Blood-letting
    By removing some blood would balance the Humours.
  • Purging
    Remove food from digestive system by giving a laxative.
  • Hiw many people lived in London during 1300s?
  • How was responsible for running London in 1300s?
    The Lord Mayor and 24 Aldermen
  • What 2 types of jobs were created to deal with waste in London in 1300s?
    Muck makers and gong farmers
  • What did Gong farmers do?

    Clean up animal and human waste
  • Where did Gong farmers deposit waste?
    Outside the city or in rivers
  • What happened to the butchers in London in 1300s?
    They were banned from the city due to them dumping waste into the Fleet River and Thames River.
  • Why did London grow rapidly in the 1300s?
    Increased trade
  • How did London deal with the number of deaths in 1300s?
    Victims were buried in catastrophe fields (graveyards)
  • How was Lord Mayor at the time of the black death?
    Richard Whittington
  • Prevention of disease in middle ages
    Church -
    Lead a life free from sin and regular prayers and confessions
  • Prevention of disease in middle ages
    Hygiene -
    Lose set of instructions by physicians
    Advice was common by 1250
    Bathing was important
    Poor people swam in rivers
    Make homes smell sweet with herbs
  • Where was guidance on your bodily health contained in the middle ages?
    Regimen Sanitais
  • What we're public baths called in the middle ages?
  • Prevention of disease in the middle ages
    Diet -
    Scheduled eating was important
    Discouraged to eat too much
    Many people purged themselves
  • Prevention of disease in the middle ages
    Purifying air -
    Keep air free from miasmata
    Spreading sweet herbs
    Bunch of flowers
  • What was a pomander which people wore in the middle ages?
    Decorative piece of jewellery like a large locket worn around the waist. Held perfume to keep air clean.
  • What did people think caused the black death?
    Religion- God sent plague as a punishment
    Astrology- position of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn was unusual at the time
    Miasma- bad air or smells caused decaying rubbish
    Volcanoes- poisonous gases carried from European volcanoes and earthquakes
  • How did people try and avoid the black death?
    Cleaning up rubbish
    Praying and fasting
    Avoid smelling bad air
    Not letting intruders in
    Quarantine laws
    Having birds fly through rooms
    Ringing bells
    Lighting a fire
    Carrying herbs and spices
  • How did people treat the black death?

    .Praying and holding lucky charms
    .cutting open buboes to drain pus
    .holding bread against buboes then burying it
    .eating cold things and taking cold baths
    .drinking vinegar and Mercury
  • Leeching
    Using leeches to drain blood.
  • When was the black death?
    1348- 49
  • What we're the origins of the black death?
    Broke out in China. Arrived in Sicily in 1347. Then arrived in Dorset by trade ships.
  • What was the black death carried by?
    Fleas bite rats who spread it.
  • What we're symptoms of the black death?
    Painful swellings called buboes in armpits and groins. High fever and severe headache. Chest pains, coughing up blood.
  • How did the government deal with the black death?
    They put new quarantinelaws in place. New people were quarantined for 40 days. Quarantined some houses. Banning preaching. Stopped cleaning.