involving the monitoring of people to control crime, crime control methods by which surveillance is carried out (CCTV, electromic tagging, data base that produce profiles of people) right realists favour surveillance
liquid surveillance:
subtle forms of surveillance which we don't even know we are part of.. often found in a consumer realm that spreads in unimagiable way, spilling out all over. these days- flows produce targeting and sorting of everyone
self surveillance:
The attention an individual pays to their own behaviour when facing observation by other (directly or indirectly). Behaviour changes when you think someone is watching you- people perform according to how they think others expect (over time this is internalise as normal behaviour)
All seeing- prisoners don't know whether they are being watched, so must behave as if they are. prison design: prisoners cells are via sale to the guard from a central viewing point but prisoners cannot see the guard. thus surveillance becomes self surveillance and discipline becomes self discipline.
everybody is watching everybody.. police body cameras, camera on self service checkout, dash cams used by taxi drivers. All warning others that they are being monitored, which leads to self discipline.
Actuarial justice and profiling:
Definition= a type of justice which emphasise the need to calculate the risk of certain crimes happening. Surveillance used in AJ to prevent and predict future offending, crediting profiles of likely offenders
Application of surveillance- crime control policy:
increased surveillance: have more external social control surveillance creep: technology gets used for another (phone tracking/ car reg plates) Profiling: using data and statistics to determine who is put under surveillance
evaluation of surveillance- crime control policy:
intrusive: unethical and against human rights (no private life) Legitimate governmental control: under the agenda of state protection (surveillance is not applied to everyone equally) Technological arms race: offender find ways around Deterrents don't work on everyone: not everyone has a self surveillance mindset.