Failure to function adequately is at the point when someones can no longer cope with the demands of everydaylife.
We might decide that someone is not functioning when they are unable to maintain basic standards of nutrition and hygiene.
We might consider someone failing to function when they cannot hold down a job or maintain relationships with those around them.
Rosehan and Seligman have proposed additional signs
Failure to follow interpersonal rules such as maintaining eye contact
Personal Distress
When someone is irrational or dangerious to themselves or others
Strength - Threshold for help
Around 25% of people in the UK will experience a mental health problem in any given year. However many press on dispite severe symptoms.
It tends to be when we cease to function that people seek professional help.
Limitation - Discrimination
It is hard to tell if someone is deviating from social norms or failing to function - such as choosing not to have a job or those who take part in high risk leisure activities
This mean that those making unusual choices are at risk for being abnormal.
There are some circumstances in which most of us fail to function such as bereavement. It may be unfair to give someone a label that may cause them future problems just because they react to difficult circumstances.