The Locarno Pact can be summarised with the Rhineland Pact and Arbitration treaties
The Rhineland Pact:
Germany, France and Belgium promising to respect western frontier
Germany kept forces out of Rhineland
Britain and Italy promise to help Germany, France and Belgium if any are attacked by their neighbours
Arbitration treaties:
Germany agreeing with France, Belgium and Czechoslovakia that any dispute should be settled with discussion
Any conflicts in the western borders should be referred to the LON
The Locarno Pact made Germany's position equal with the 3 major powers with little to no damage
Germany and USSR similarities post war:
Both defeated and suffered weak peace treaties
Both treated as "outcast" nations by victorious powers and weren't allowed in LON
Treaty of Rapallo was signed in April 1922
The Treaty of Rapallo was proposed by Walter Rathenau
Terms of the Treaty of Rapallo:
Germany and USSR resumed trade and economic cooperation
All claims for war damage dropped
Germany allowed to develop weapons and train pilots in Russia
Treaty of Berlin was signed in April 1926
The Treaty of Berlin was a renewal of the treaty of Rapallo and the main terms was that Germany would remain neutral if USSR entered a war
The Inter-Allied Control Commision (IMCC) established to monitor Germany's disarmament in the Rhineland
Similar arrangements like the Treaty of Rapallo allowed Germany to train pilots happen in:
Spain with submarines
Sweden for tanks and artillery
General von Seeckt's Reichshwer, found ways to get around the army limit, recruitsenlisted for short periods and they received intense military training they also sponsored several paramilitary groups
The Kellog-Briand Pact was signed in 1928 with France and USA
The Kellog Briand Pact is where:
Frank Kellog, American Secretary of State and Aristide Briand (Foreignminister of France)
Drew up an international agreement where states wouldn't use wars to resolve disputes
Germany were one of the first states to sign followed by 64 other nations
Stresemann died before the completion of removing the Allies, even though the success was largely due to his policies