Fight or flight response based on male animals and assumed to be universal, tend and be-friend more common in females, an evolved response for caring for young (Taylor et al)
Implications raised from psychological studies and theories that are gender biased may lead to misleading assumptions and fail to challenge negative stereotypes, validating discriminatory practices
Gender bias promotes sexism in the research process. Male researchers more likely and their expectations about women (e.g. expect irrationality) may mean that female participants underperform in studies (Nicolson)
Etic approach looks at behaviour from outside (looks for universals), whereas emic approach is from inside a culture. Imposed etic e.g. Ainsworth's Strange Situation
Measuring nature-nurture concordance estimates how much trait is inherited, used to estimate heritability (proportion within a population due to genes-IQ is .5 (50%) half nature, half nurture