
Cards (41)

  • At the end of this lesson, the student should be able to
    1. Discuss the history of the extension education
    2. Differentiate various concepts in extension
    3. Define extension education
  • Extension
    Started in 1850 to serve the needs of the growing population in the industries near their homes
  • 1867 "university extension" was coined
  • Teachers delivered lectures outside the university in common community places on various topics
  • Lectures were given on literacy and social topics
  • 1890 - "out of college" lectures were established in America
  • History of Agricultural Extension in the Old Era
  • 1800 BC - An example found in Mesopotamia (Iraq) unearthed clay tablets of lime advice on watering crops and getting rid of rats was inscribed
  • Egypt had Hieroglyphs on columns to avoid crop damage and life from Nile's floods
  • 2nd century BC to 4th century BC: Several important Latin texts were written about practical farming experience aimed to help the Roman landowners to maintain and improve their estates and their revenues
  • Early forms of disseminating agricultural information began in China
  • 25 to 220 AD: Late Han Dynasty began the support of relevant agricultural research and the dissemination of information and advice to farmers
  • 535 AD: Chinese agricultural Treatise "Essential techniques for the peasantry" aimed to show landowners how to improve their estate management
  • 960 - 1368 AD: The Sung and Yuan Dynasty promoted agricultural research, extension work, and teaching of agriculture and sericulture
  • 1304 AD: The earliest agricultural text was written in Latin by Pietro and was translated in Italian and French
  • 1157-1573: Thomas Tusser of England wrote "hundred good points of husbandry" which was printed in 1557 and expanded in 1573
  • Early 17th Century: Francis Bacon's writings on his scientific experiments and observations on his farm in North London began the application of Science and scientific method of agriculture
  • 1750 AD to 1800 AD: England and European countries progressive farmers established agricultural clubs or societies
  • 1800 - 1845: First extension service of a modern kind came into existence as a result of potato blight
  • Close of 19th Century: Extension systems spread to Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Russia, France, USA, Japan, and Australia
  • Early 20th Century: Extension services were in their formative stage, small in scale and limited in scope of their work
  • During 1975 to 2000: Work of extension services has been diversified
  • In less developed countries, the main focus is on food production but efforts to changes in behavior and attitude of farming communities especially poor farmers gained momentum
  • 1914 - "Agricultural Extension" was only adopted when the United States Federal Smith-Lever Act of 1914 formalized a nationwide cooperative federal-state-county program and gave operational
  • In less developed countries, the main focus is on food production
  • Efforts to change behavior and attitude of farming communities, especially poor farmers, gained momentum
  • ‘’Agricultural Extension’’ was only adopted when the United States Federal Smith-Lever Act of 1914 formalized a nationwide cooperative federal-state-county program and gave operational responsibility for this to the land grant colleges and Universities

  • Extension Education deals with practical items of information useful for rural people to solve their daily problems, especially those related to agricultural production
  • Extension Education is an integral behavioral science contributing towards the understanding and formulation of methods and procedures for bringing planned change in human behavior
  • Extension education is education for the betterment of people and for changing their behavior, including knowledge, skill, and attitude
  • Extension education is the dissemination of useful research findings and ideas among rural people to bring about desirable changes in their social and cultural behavior
  • Extension education is an applied science consisting of contents derived from researches, accumulated field experiences, and relevant principles drawn from the behavioral sciences synthesized with useful technology, in a body of philosophy, principles, contents, and methods focused on the problems of out-of-school education for adults and youths
  • Extension education is an applied behavioral science, the knowledge of which is to be applied for desirable changes in the behavioral complex of the people
  • Extension is an education and its purpose is to change the attitude and practices of the people with whom the work is done
  • Extension education is a science dealing with various strategies of change in the behavioral patterns of human beings through technological and scientific innovation for the improvement of their standard of living
  • Extension education is to teach a person how to think, not what to think, and to teach people to determine accurately their own needs to find solutions to their own problems and to help them acquire knowledge and develop convictions in that direction
  • Extension education is an out-of-school system of education in which adults and young people learn by doing. It is a partnership between government, the land grant colleges, and the people, which provides services and education designed to meet the needs of the people
  • To communicate to individual members of the community advice and assistance with respect to knowledge and methods of technical agriculture, with due consideration of the economic and social circumstances of the individual and other people collectively
  • Objectives of Extension Education
    • It uses democratic methods in educating the farmers
    • It helps in the adoption of innovations
    • It helps in studying and solving rural problems
    • It increases farm yields and improves the standard of living of farmers
    • It makes good communities better and progressive
    • It contributes to national development programs
  • Bits and pieces of concepts related to Extension Education
    • Extension
    • Extension Science
    • Extension Education
    • Extension Practice
    • Method of non-formal education aimed at changing people’s behavior (KSAP) which enhances their ability to deal with their problems
    • Ultimate goal is to achieve an improved quality of life
    • Actual work done by professional extension agents at various levels of management
    • A science that seeks to help professionals improve their work
    • The discipline, and concerns theoretical and practical overviews in the field of extension
    • An applied science composed of relevant research taken from physical, biological, and social sciences integrated and come up with concepts, principles, and procedures oriented at providing non-formal education to the majority of adults
    • Range of techniques and practices used in undertaking extension activities