Undertake investigation and detection of crimes and offenses
Issue a subpoena for the appearance of any person for investigation or production of documents
Act as a national clearing house of criminal records and other related information for the benefit of the government
Render technical assistance to government agencies and instrumentalities, when so requested
Extend assistance in cases involving extradition and mutual legal assistance, when requested by the Department of Justice
Establish an NBI Academy responsible for the recruitment, training, and development of all NBI agents and personnel, among others
Establish and maintain a Forensic and Scientific Research Center
Establish and maintain a Cyber Investigation and Assessment Center
Establish and maintain an integrated, comprehensive, and state-of-the-art network of equipment and facilities to be used by the NBI in its criminal investigation, detection, and evidence gathering, and to provide the corresponding training in this regard
Request the assistance of the Philippine National Police (PNP), Armed Forces of the Philippines, or a