The HAymarket Riot: Violent confrontation between workers and the police at the McCormick’s factory
8-hour day was the demand down from 8-10 hr days
Socialism of Europeans immigrants (Germany)
Considered “militants”
Bombs were thrown - 7 police officers killed
Known # of demonstratorskilled
8“anarchists” were charged
4 hung, 1 suicide, 2 life sentences, 1-15 sentence
“Rigged” trial 6 years later -all were proven innocent
3 remaining alive were pardoned
Desires to pass labor laws to create a set of “labor standards” for workers. Required legislative reform, but it was usually decided by the capitalists and government without a voice from the workers. Labour wanted an equal voice.
19th century wanted to improve the standard of living for workers, establishment of a new right “the right to organize and bargain collectivity”. Unions give workers the right use a collective to bargain with a powerful employer
THe International Labour Organization formed in 1919. Part of the league of nations and the UN.
During the 19th century, laborers who wanted to improve their standard of living began to attempt to form unions. A newright - the Right to organize and bargain collectively
Unions could give workers the power to collectively negotiate fair wages and decent working conditions - all of which threatened to undermine the capitalist's control of the workplace.