Curriculum 2

Cards (115)

  • Deals with the parts into which learning can be divided?
  • Usually an individual subject. A fixed program of learning sessions completed by the learners?
  • A document that contains important information about specific subject or program?
  • Defined domain of knowledge and skills in an academic program?
  • Deals with a purposeful direction of learning process carried out by a teacher?
  • Set of learning techniques that encourages students to take more of an active role in learning?
    Instructional Strategies
  • Measurable skills, abilities, knowledge or values?
    Learning outcomes
  • The students should be able to demonstrate as a result of completing a lesson or course?
    Learning Outcomes
  • A process of the teacher using appropriate curricula for create learning plans?
    Instructional Plan
  • Changing/Fundamental Principles?
    Traditional Points of View Curriculum
  • Principles/Permanent Studies. The lesson is done by the teacher. Rule for the grammar, reading, rhetoric, logic, and mathematics, writing, and literature?
    Traditional Points of View Curriculum
  • Changing/Experiential/Process?
    Progressive Points of View Curriculum
  • Total learning experiences. Listing of Subjects, syllabi, and courses and list of courses?
    Progressive Points of View Curriculum
  • Planned and enacted by the teacher, and learn by the students?
    Progressive Points of View Curriculum
  • Proposed by scholars and professional organizations?
    Recommended curriculum
  • Came from national agency or any professional organizations. May came from DEPED, CHED, DOST?
    Recommended curriculum
  • Includes documents, course of study or syllabi for implementation?
    Written Curriculum
  • Curriculum experts with participation of teachers?
    Written curriculum
  • Different planned activities teachers implement or deliver in the classrooms and schools?
    Taught curriculum
  • Implemented in order to arrive at the objectives or purposes of the written curriculum?
    Taught curriculum
  • Includes material resources such as textbooks, computers, audio-visual materials, laboratory, equipment, playgrounds, zoos, and other facilities?
    Supported curriculum
  • Enable each learner to achieve real and lifelong learning?
    Supported curriculum
  • Refers to a tested or evaluated curriculum?
    Assessed curriculum
  • Series of evaluations are being done by the teachers at the duation?
    Assessed curriculum
  • Ends of the teaching episodes to determine the extent of teaching. To tell if the students are learning?
    Assessed curriculum
  • Refers to the learning outcomes achieved by the students?
    Learned curriculum
  • Learning outcomes are indicated by the results of the tests?
    Learned curriculum
  • Changes in behavior which can be either cognitive, affective, or psychomotor?
    Learned curriculum
  • Physical condition, peer influence, school environment. Unintended curriculum?
    Hidden curriculum
  • Not deliberately planned. Modify behavior or influence learning outcomes?
    Hidden curriculum
  • Teacher-centered, interaction, mood of the teacher and many other factors?
    Hidden curriculum
  • Taught at home. Part of a Family's experiences related experiences sanctioned by the Family?
    Concomitant curriculum
  • May be received at church. Content of religious expression. Lessons on values, ethics, or morals. Molded behaviors. Social experiences based on the Family's preferences?
    Concomitant curriculum
  • Refers to the messages prevalent in and through exposure to any type of media?
    Phantom curriculum
  • Components and messages play a major part in your enculturation?
    Phantom curriculum
  • Predominant meta-culture. Acculturating you into narrower or generational subcultures?
    Phantom curriculum
  • WHat is taught. Not teaching some particular idea or sets of ideas?
    Null/ Excluded curriculum
  • Use to mandates from higher authorities. A teacher's lack of knowledge, or to deeply ingrained assumptions and biases?
    Null/ Excluded curriculum
  • It evolved from one period to another, to the present?
    Continously evolving
  • For a curriculum to be effective, it must have continuous monitoring and evaluation.