A form of learning in which an animal forms an attachment to a particular object or individual during a critical period early in life.
What is the procedure of Lorenz’s study?
Goslings were hatched either with their mother (control group) or in an incubator (experimental group). Once goslings had hatched, they proceeded to follow the first moving objects they saw between 13 to 16 hours after hatching
For the experimental group, Lorenz was the first object they saw. These goslings proceeded to follow Lorenz everywhere
It was later observed that if you mix the two groups, they would automatically split into their original groups
What is a critical period?
A specific time in development when attachments have to be formed
What is the critical period for birds?
12 to 17 hours
If imprinting does not occur within that critical period, the offspring will not be able to form a strong attachment
What is sexual imprinting?
A process in which an animal forms a preference for a specific type of mate based on early experiences or exposure during a critical period of development.
Imprinting has a permanent effect on mating behaviours