Who conducted research that supports Lorenz’s study?
What did Regolin do?
Chicks exposed to simple shape combinations that moved
What were the findings of Regolin’s study?
Chicks followed the original shape they saw even when exposed to a range of shapes. This supports the view that young animals are born with an innatemechanism to imprint on a moving object
Who conducted research support for sexual imprinting?
What were the findings of Guiton’s study?
Found that chicks could imprint on inflated yellowrubbergloves. Then thechicks tried to mate with yellow gloves
Why has Lorenz’s observations been questioned?
Other researchers found that the effects of sexual imprinting could be reversed spending time with their own species
Lorenz’s study lacks generalisability to humans as mammalian attachment systems are quite different from that of birds. For example, mammalian mothers show more emotional attachment to young than birds.