eapp lesson 2

Subdecks (1)

Cards (31)

  • definition - Explains the meaning of new words or phrases.
  • classification - Divides a topic into parts based on shared characteristics.
  • chronological order - Describes the sequence in which events occur in tie.
  • process - Describes the order in which things are done or how things work.
  • order of importance - Describes ideas in order of priority or preference
  • spatial order - Describes physical location or position in space.
  • cause effects - Describes how one or more things cause or are related to another.
  • comparisons and contrast - Discuss similarities and/or theories concepts object of person
  • listing/enumeration - Organizes lists of information characteristics features parts or categories
  • clarification - Explaining a concept or idea will follow
  • summary - Indicates that a condensed review of an idea or piece of writing is to follow
  • generalization and example - Provides examples that clarify a broad general statement
  • text structure - • It is how the ideas, facts, and other information within the written text are organized.
  • academic text is a written material in an organized way and in a specific manner.
  • Academic writing or scholarly writing is nonfiction writing produced as part of academic work.