Cards (8)

  • Determinism
    All determininists view free-will as an illusion. This means humans cannot be held morally responsibile for their actions, meaning that they should not receive rewards or punishment for their behaviour.
  • Determinism is supported by reductionism
    Freedom is an illusion created by the human brain, in reality we just react to situations that are caused by the laws of the physical world around us
  • Psychological determinism
    B.F. Skinner - argued that all behaviour is a product of genetics and our environmental conditions. Human actions are a result of previous actions. If an action has a good consequence, the brain becomes programmed to that action - Pavlovs dog
  • Theological determinism
    God is omniscient, omnipotent and omnibenevolent - he as an ultimate being is able to determine human behaviour.
    Predestination - God has already decided on his "elect". If God knows a person will perform an action at somepoint, that person can't avoid it. Free will is an illusion
  • Scholars that support determinism
    Psychology - B. F Skinner (C20th) and Pavlov (C19-20th)
  • Scholars that support determinism
    Theological predestination - Aquinas (C13th) and John Calvin (C16th)
  • Scholars that support determinism 

    Scientific - Dawkins (C20-21st) and Charles Darwin (C19th)
  • Scientific determinism
    Epicurus - we have no control over the forces of nature, therefore humans are not morally free. Hard determinism states that no-one has free will because everything has a prior cause.