
Subdecks (1)

Cards (185)

  • It enables the programmer to determine the order which program are executed.
    Control Structures
  • TRUE OR FALSE. Application programs read or execute from top to bottom.
  • Among the three types of control structures, what is implemented when choosing between 2 or more logic paths?
    Conditional Branches
  • Among the three types of control structures, what is implemented for iterating in multiple values and repeatedly run a specific code block?
  • Among the three types of control structures, what refers to the "after the flow of control in loops"?
    Branching Statements
    • It is the most basic of control structures.
    • It is commonly use in program scenarios.
    • It can be implemented infinitely but it is not advisable as it will hurt the application's code readability.
  • This refers to the shortcut for declaring if / else.
    Ternary Operator
  • Between true or false, what is the equivalent of ternary operator "?"
  • Between true or false, what is the equivalent of ternary operator ":"
    • Ladderized if/else statement.
    • It is used to reduce the complexity of if/else statement.
    Switch Case
    • Executes the block of code several times.
    • The number of iterations are fixed.
    for loop
  • TRUE OR FALSE. Having the number of iterations fixed is what differentiates FOR LOOP from other loops.
  • In for loop, this only happens one time. It determines the start of the loop, and this is also where you declare variable.
  • In for loop, this refers to a condition that must return a Boolean value (TRUE/FALSE). It also determines if the loop will continue or stop.
  • In for loop, this updates the index value of the variable after the execution of the body.
    Increment / Decrement
    • Executes repeatedly until given condition returns true.
    • It is also called ENTRY CONTROL LOOP
    while loop
    • Checks the condition after the execution of the body of the loop
    • It is also called EXIT CONTROL LOOP
    do while loop
  • What is the other term for while loop?
    Entry Control Loop
  • What is the other term for do while loop?
    Exit Control Loop
  • This refers to early exit from the loop, meaning it stops the entire process of the loop.
  • This statement only stops the current iteration of the loop, or in other words, it means to skip the rest of the loop.
  • It is a block of code that when called, it performs specific actions.
  • It defines the access type of the method.
    Access Modifier
  • Type of access modifier that is accessible in all classes; variables, data, and methods with the public access modifier can be accessed anywhere inside the program.
  • Type of access modifier that is accessible in the same package; - specifies that the member can only be accessed within its own package.
  • Type of access modifier that is accessible within the class. The methods or data members declared as this are accessible only within the class in which they are declared.
  • Type of access modifier that is accessible in the same package.This access modifier appears when you don’t specify it. This means that all members are visible within the same package, but are not accessible from other packages.
    • It is the data type of the value returned by the method, if there is nothing to return use void.
    • It is also mandatory to declare this part in the method.
    Return Type
  • TRUE OR FALSE. It is mandatory to declare return type in the method.
    • It is the name of the method and it is also use in calling the method.
    • It is also mandatory to declare this part in the method.
    Method Name
  • TRUE OR FALSE. Method Name is mandatory to declare in the method.
    • It is comma-separated list of input parameters.
    • It is use if the programmer wants to send data from one method to another.
    • It is not mandatory to declare this part in the method.
    Parameter List
    • It is the combination of method name and parameter list.
    • Class cannot have two methods within the same signature.
    Method Signature
    • It is where the code that are needed to be executed are written.
    • It is enclosed between braces.
    Method Body
  • These are methods that are already defined in the JAVA libraries.
    Predefined Methods
  • These are custom defined methods by the programmer.
    User-defined Methods
    • It is a collection of similar types of data.
    • It can contain primitive and object reference of a class.
    • It can be used as a static field, a local variable, or a method parameter.
  • It can be primitive like int, string, or a java object.
    Data Type
  • It is the identifier of the array.
    Array Name
  • TRUE OR FALSE. In arrays, the array index starts at 0. It is also the first element of an array.