LESSON 5: Medical Technology Education

Cards (76)

  • To run
    Curriculum comes from the Latin word currere which means _____
  • Curriculum
    Refers to the knowledge and skills students are expected to learn, which include the learning standards or learning objectives they are expected to meet; the units and lessons that teachers teach; the assignments and projects given to students; the books, materials, videos, presentations, and readings used in a course; and the tests, assessments, and other methods used to evaluate student learning
  • Curriculum
    Refers to the means and materials with which students interact for the purpose of achieving identified educational outcomes
  • John Dewey
    According to _____, curriculum is the "continuous reconstruction, moving from the child's present experience out into that represented by the organized bodies of truth that we call studies... the various studies... are themselves experience - they are that of the race"
  • Indiana Department of Education
    According to the __________, curriculum refers to the planned interaction of students with instructional content, materials, resources, and processes for evaluating the attainment of educational objectives
  • May 18, 1994
    CHED was established on __________ through the passage of Republic Act No. 7722, the Higher Education Act of 1992
  • Commission on Higher Education (CHED)

    It is the government agency under the Office of the President of the Philippines that covers institutions of higher education both public and private. It is tasked to organize and appoint members of the technical panel for each discipline/program area
  • Technical Committee for Medical Technology Education (TCMTE)

    Under CHED is the __________ which is composed of leading academicians and practitioners responsible for assisting the Commission in setting standards among institutions offering Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory Science Program and in monitoring and evaluating such institutions
    It is a four-year program consisting of general education and professional courses that students are expected to complete within the first three years. The fourth year is dedicated to the students' internship training in CHED-accredited training laboratories affiliated with their college/department
  • CHED Memorandum Order No. 13, series of 2017
    The Commission issued ___________ as a guide for institutions offering the program. It contains the goals, program, outcomes, performance indicators, and the minimum course offerings.
  • One hour
    One unit of lecture is equivalent to _____ of class meeting every week
  • Three hours
    One unit of laboratory is equivalent to _____ of class meeting every week
  • General Education
    These courses aim to develop foundational knowledge, skills, values, and habits necessary for students to succeed in life, to positively contribute to society, to understand the diversity of cultures, to gain a bigger perspective and understanding of living with others, to respect differences in opinions, to realize and accept their weaknesses and improve on them, and to further hone their strengths.
  • Professional Courses
    These courses are taken for learners to develop the knowledge, technical competence, professional attitude, and values necessary to practice and meet the demands of the professions
  • Principles of Medical Laboratory Science 1: Introduction to Medical Laboratory Science, Laboratory Safety, and Waste Management
    This course deals with the basic concepts and principles related to the Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory Science profession. Its emphasis is on the curriculum, practice of the profession, clinical laboratories, continuing professional education, biosafety practices, and waste management.
  • Clinical Laboratory Assistance
    It encompasses the concepts and principles of the different assays performed in the clinical laboratory
  • Phlebotomy
    It deals with the basic concepts, principles, and application of the standard procedures in blood collection, transport, and processing. It also involved the study of pre-analytic, analytic, and post-analytic variables that affect reliability of test results
  • Community and Public Health for MT/MLS
    This course involved the study of the foundations of community health that include human ecology, demography, and epidemiology. It emphasizes the promotion of community, public, and environmental health and the immersion and interaction of students with people in the community.
  • Cytogenetics
    This course is focused on the study of the concepts and principles of heredity and inheritance which include genetic phenomena, sex determinations, and genetic defects rooted in inheritance, among others. It also discusses the abnormalities and genetic disorders involving the chromosomes and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). Emphasis is given to the analysis of nucleic acids and their application to medical science.
  • Human Histology
    This course deals with the study of the fundamentals of cells, tissues, and organs with emphasis on microscopic structures, characteristics, differences, and functions. The laboratory component of this course primarily deals with the microscopic identification and differentiation of cells that make up the systems of the body.
  • Histopathologic Techniques with Cytology
    This course covers the basic concepts and principles of diseases processes, etiology and the development of anatomic, microscopic changes brought about by the disease process. It deals with the histopathologic techniques necessary for the preparation of tissue samples collected via surgery, biopsy, and/or autopsy for macroscopic and microscopic examinations for diagnostic purposes.
  • Clinical Bacteriology
    This course deals with the study of the physiology and morphology of bacteria and their role in infection and immunity. Its emphasis is on the collection of specimen and the isolation and identification of bacteria. It also covers antimicrobial susceptibility testing and development of resistance to antimicrobial substances.
  • Histopathologic Techniques with Cytology
    Some of the tests that students perform for the laboratory component of the course in a school-based laboratory are: tissue processing, cutting of processed tissue, staining, mounting of stained tissue for microscopic examination, and performing biosafety and waste management.
  • Clinical Bacteriology
    Some of the procedures and tests that students perform for the laboratory component of the course in a school-based laboratory are: preparation of culture media, collection of specimen, preparation of bacterial smear, staining of smear, inoculation of specimen on culture media, characterization of colonies of bacteria growing in culture media, performing different biochemical tests for identification of bacteria, biosafety and waste management, quality assurance and quality control, and antimicrobial susceptibility testing.
  • Clinical Parasitology
    This course is concerned with the study of animal parasites in humans and their medical significance in the country. Its emphasis is on the pathophysiology, epidemiology, life cycle, prevention and control, and the identification of ova and/or adult worms and other forms seen in specimens submitted for diagnostic purposes.
  • Clinical Parasitology
    Some of the procedures and tests that students perform for the laboratory component of the course in a school-based laboratory are: microscopic identification of diagnostic features of different groups of parasites pathogenic to man and different methods for preparing smear for microscopic examination.
  • Immunohematology and Blood Bank
    This course tackles the concepts of inheritance, and laboratory identification of red cells antigens and their corresponding antibodies. It also covers the application of these antigens and/or antibodies in transfusion medicine and transfusion reactions work up.
  • Immunohematology and Blood Bank
    Some of the procedures and tests that students perform for the laboratory components of the course in a school-based laboratory are: ABO and Rh typing, Coombs test, blood donation process, compatibility testing, transfusion reaction work-up, and preparation of RBC suspension.
  • Mycology and Virology
    This course deals with the study of fungi and viruses as agents of diseases with emphasis on epidemiology, laboratory identification and characterization, and prevention and control.
  • Laboratory Management
    This course looks into the concepts of laboratory management which are planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling as applied in clinical laboratory setting. It also tackles the process of solving problems, quality assurance and quality control, preparation of policy and procedure manuals, and other activities necessary to maintain a well-functioning laboratory.
  • Medical Technology Laws and Bioethics
    This course encompasses various laws, administrative orders, and other approved legal documents related to the practice of Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory Science in the Philippines.
  • Bioethics
    Looks into the study of ethics as applied to health and health care delivery and to human life in general.
  • Hematology 1
    This course deals with the study of the concepts of blood as a tissue. Formation, metabolism of cells, laboratory assays, correlation with pathologic conditions, special hematology evaluation are given emphasis. Quality assurance and quality control in hematology laboratory as well as bone marrow studies are also discussed.
  • Hematology 1
    Some of the procedures and tests that students perform for the laboratory component of the course in a school-based laboratory are: complete blood count (CBC), hematocrit blood test, platelet count, preparation of blood smear and staining, red cell morphology, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), fragility test, erythrocyte indices, reticulocyte count, instrumentation, osmotic fragility test, quality assurance and quality control, and biosafety and waste management.
  • Hematology 2
    This course deals with the concepts and principles of homeostasis, and abnormalities involving red blood cells (RBC), white blood cells (WBC), and platelets. Laboratory identification of blood cell abnormalities, quantitative measurement of coagulation factors, and disease correlation are emphasized.
  • Hematology 2
    Some of the procedures and tests that students perform for the laboratory component of the course in school-based laboratory are: identification of abnormal RBC and WBC, special staining techniques, coagulation factor test, and instrumentation.
  • Clinical Microscopy
    This course focuses on the study of urine and other body fluids. It includes the discussion of their formation, laboratory analyses, disease processes, and clinical correlation of laboratory results.
  • Clinical Microscopy
    Some of the procedures and tests that students perform for the laboratory component of the course in a school-based laboratory are: routine urinalysis, special chemical examination of urine, examination of other body fluids, pregnancy tests, and chemical examination of stool specimens.
  • Clinical Chemistry 1
    This course encompasses the concepts and principles of physiologically active soluble substances and waste materials present in body fluids, particularly in the blood. The study includes formation, laboratory analyses, reference values and clinical correlation with pathologic conditions. The course also looks into instrumentation and automation, quality assurance, and quality control.
  • Clinical Chemistry 1
    Some of the procedures and tests that students perform for the laboratory component of the course in a school-based laboratory are: instrumentation, quality assurance and quality control, glucose determination, lipid testing, renal function tests, protein testing, biosafety and waste management.