1ST REFEREE (R1)The 1st referee is in charge of the match and has the final authority on all matters. The R1 will be on the stand opposite the scorekeeper and will make decisions involving ball handling, lifts, throws, etc. The referee will give decisions with whistle and hand signals.
2. 2ND REFEREE (R2) The 2nd referee is located on the floor, opposite and near the team benches and the scorekeeper. The R2 is mainly responsible for control of the net, watching for infractions.
3. SCOREKEEPER The scorekeeper is responsible for keeping the score sheet according to the rules of the game or other such duties as authorized. It is the duty of the scorekeeper to ensure that the visual scoreboard is accurate.
4. LINE JUDGES (LJ) Line judges are an important part of the officiating team. They stand in the left corners of the court and assist R1 with calling the ball in, the ball out and touches as instructed by the R1.
5. LIBERO TRACKER For those programs using the Libero provision in the rules, a minor official may be required to track Libero replacement.