educationaltechnology: the study and practice of facilitating learning performance by creating, using, and managing technological processes and resources
assistive technology are the devices and services that are used to help facilitate an individual
assistive devices: items, equipment, or product systems used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of an individual with a disability
assistive services: assist individuals in selecting, acquiring, or using an AT devicee
AT & Special Education:
IDEA (PL 94-142)
1990 reauthorization
Was the 1st to include AT
1997 reauthorization
Mandated consideration of AT for all students with disabilities
AT was to be provided at no cost to the student
2004 reauthorization
Excluded surgically implanted devices from the definition of AT
Ex. cochlear implants
Included the National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard
AT & special education:
At is included on the IEP as a related service, accommodation, goal, and/or objective
if written on the IEP it is the school's financial responsibility to cover the costs
Multiple low-tech and high-tech AT exist to support students in:
Science and social studies
Organization and management skills
Adaptive equipment/technology
Any item, system, or product used to improve the functional capabilities of people with disabilities. AT can be bought off the shelf, modified, or custom-made
Adaptive equipment is a subcategory of AT; it refers to something specifically designed for people with disabilities
5 phrases of an AT assessment:
define the problem and "consider" AT
gather relevant data
generate potential solutions
conduct AT trials
integrate successful/appropriate AT tools & strategies
If the student cannot adequately perform these tasks using existing strategies & accommodations, consider whether use of AT tools might help
IDEA requires IEP teams to consider AT
Much of this comes from existing documents, but also from interviews with teachers or family, classroom observations, and working one-on-one with the student.
This is often conducted over an extended period in collaboration with the school district staff and others
The goal is to validate the effectiveness of the chosen technologies so as to provide greater confidence about the decisions
issues with AT:
Possible stigmatization from use of AT, which can lead to abandonment
Need for adequate training or knowledge to implement technology so it is effective
AT is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities