Acaricide – a substance or preparation used in killing ticks and mites
Anthelmintic – a drug administered as drench, bolus, injectable or mixedin feed to get rid of gastrointestinal parasite
Breed – a group of animals possessing certain well-defined distinguished characteristics and having the ability to reproduce these characteristics in their offspring with reasonable degree of surety.
Breeder stock – animal intended for breeding purposes
Breeding herd –these are dry cows and heifers ready for breeding
Bull – a male breeding cattle of any age
Bull herd –the breeding males used for breeding the cows and heifers
Bulling – when a cow tries to ride other cows or when she stands if otherstry to ride her. A “bulling” cow is in heat.
Calf – young cattle of either sex under one year
Calf crop – the number of calves born
Calving – act of giving birth in cows
Calving interval – the average length of time in days between successivecalvings
Castration –removal of the testis from the scrotum or any method thatwould render the testes functionless.
Cattle (oxen) – general term for any class of animals of bovine family,genus Bos.
Cercaria – ineffective larval stage of fluke in the nail host
Colostrum – milk produced during the first 3-5 days after parturition whichcontains high protein, vitamins and minerals, and antibodies thatsupply essential immune bodies to the newly born animals.
Concentrate – feed which contains less than 18% crude fiber with highdigestible nutrients.
Conception – pregnancy
Cow – mature cattle that has given birth
Crossbreeding – the mating of two different breeds
Dressing percentage – the percent of which the weight of the chilledcarcass is divided with that of the liveweight
Enzootic – disease already known to prevailing areas, either indigenous orexogenous
Estrus cycle (heat cycle) – Interval from one estrus to the next estrus
Estrus (heat period) – the sexual period in females when they are receptiveto mating.
Extraction rate – relative proportion of the number of cattle slaughtered tothe total cattle population.
Fattener – feeder or steer herd- These consist of those ready for marketand the growing cattle.
Feeders – animals of sufficient age, weight, and condition that they are immediately placed in the fattening lot.
Feeder stock – cattle which is fattened prior to slaughtering
Feedlot – area with its physical facilities used for cattle fattening.
Fertilization – union of egg and sperm cells
Flukecide – drug used as drench, bolus, injectable or mixed in feed to getrid of flukes
Flushing – feed livestock with plenty of feeds to make them gain weightjust before or during breeding season.
Grassland – a land or an area which the natural dominant plant form isgrass
Gestation – pregnancy; period from fertilization to birth
Grade – an animal produced by mating a purebred sire with a female ofless than purebred
Hand feeding – system of feeding wherein feeds are brought to theanimals
Hay – cut and dried forage for livestock feed
Heifer – young female cattle usually under three years old that has not yet given birth
Heifer herd – composed of heifers not yet ready for breeding
Herbage – grass and other herbaceous vegetation for animal feeding