also called “fear” or “fright” hormone, released bythe adrenals as a result of nervous stimulation such as roughtreatment of the cow, loud noise, pain, and irritation
Artificial Insemination
The deposition of semen into the reproductive tract(usually the cervix uterus) of the female by a technician.
Blind Quarter
A quarter with its passage of milk into the teat is entirely closebya membrane.
A group of animals descended from common ancestors & havingcertaindistinguishing characteristics not common to othermembers of the same species.
Breech Presentation
A breech presentation at birth is one in which the rearportion of the fetus is presented first. (Breech, the buttock)
A sexually mature male of cattle.
The phenomenon in which the spermatozoa must be exposedtothe secretions of the female tract for a certain period beforethey acquire the capacity to fertilize eggs.
The major protein of milk.
–Domesticated bovine animals collectively
Scrotal area of steer remaining after castration.
– The size and quality of the vital organs of an animal determine itsconstitutional vigor. Strong constitution refers to the superior capacity ofthe chest and barrel, which means that the lungs, heart, and digestiveorgans are well developed.
Coagulated milk
Dry Cow
A cow that is not presently producing milk
Dry the Cow
top milking her, to let her body replenish fat and proteindepleted by previous lactation.
Difficulty in birth where the female will require some assistance atparturition.
The first few streams drawn from the ulcer, usually contains a largerproportion of bacteria than the last milk, called the stripping
To give birth to young and initiate milk production.
Hand Mating
Bringing the female to a male for service (breeding), after whichshe is removed from the area where the male is located.
Hand and Slow Milker –
A cow with teat canal that is too small or the sphincter muscle too strong.
Homogenized –
Milk that has had the droplets broken into very small particlesso that the milk fat stays in suspension in the milk fluid.
Insemination –
The deposition of the sperm in the female genital organs by either natural or artificial means.
The return of the uterus to its normal size after calving.
Lactation Period
The time during which milk is produced.
Yielding or conveying milk, forming a milky fluid.
Lactose –
Milk sugar. When digested, it is broken down one molecule each of glucose and galactose.
Mamma (pl., mammae)
Mammary gland, a gland for secreting milk
War blooded animals whose offspring are fed with milk secretedby the female mammary gland.
Mastitis -
The inflammation of the udder or mammary gland.
Meaty Udder
One in which the amount of connective tissue is excessive(fibrous).
The secretion of the mammary glands that suckle their young.
Milk secretion
The synthesis and release of milk by the single layer epithelial cells, which lined the inner surface of the alveolus
Milk Fat
The fat in milk.
Milk Let Down
The squeezing of milk out of the udder tissue into the gland and the cisterns.
The milk let-down hormone, released from the posterior pituitary gland after a stimulus such as washing the udder, manipulating the teats, the nursing of a calf, or other factors that the cows relate to milking.
The process of heating milk to 161o F and holding it at that temperature for 15 seconds to destroy pathogenic microorganisms
Pasture Mating
A system of breeding the cows done by placing the bull with them in the pasture for the duration of the breeding season.
– The record of the ancestry of an animal
Performance Testing
– The evaluation of an animal on the basis of its own record.
Persistency of lactation
The degree to which lactation is maintained
The position of the fetus in the uterus at the same time of delivery, with reference to the part presenting itself at the mouth of theuterus (e.g. an arm of breech presentation).